General > Pro Detailers Work

Golf Mk5 R32 - Deep Pearl Blue

<< < (4/5) > >>


Fancy doing my R32?  :grin:

Very tidy car thats now looks better than new!

Awesome work!

Sorry about this Jay but i will be telling my girlfriend it is your fault that i now was a Deep Pearl Blue R32!!  :grin:

Looks mint  :drool:

Finish looks superb!

But that knob on the steering wheel... on an R32... why on earth would someone???  :jumping: Also the state of that steering wheel looks pretty awful and shiny. Was it beyond rescuing? I've found that Marseille soap works wonders in rescuing even the worst of leather steering wheels back to a nice matt finish (unless the leather coating is totally worn off).

Cheers everyone for the comments.

The owner requires hand controls to drive.


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