Hi all,
I've not been around for a while. I see lots of new people on here so a big HELLO to everyone.
Well, I've still got the GTI but she doesn't get used too much....bit of a garage queen I guess. Only did about 60 miles in her last year! Yep just 80 miles. She has now done 8,300 since new

I start the car every week to fortnight, press brakes and clutch etc to keep hydraulics happy.
Last month she had her 2nd cam belt change due to age (May 2006 car). Probably coincidence but since this a starting issue has developed: When the car has been stood and not run for say 24 hours, I turn the key to start, hear a single click from under the bonnet but the starter motor doesn't kick in. However it always works fine 2nd or 3rd go. Last night I turned the key again, heard the click but I still kept the key turned against the spring, after a second or two the started belatedly kicked in and all was good. The battery is 1 year old and kept on a CTEC charger. At the service last month the battery was tested and reported fine. This starting problem cannot be repeated when the engine is warm.
Before I take it to my local dealer for them to throw parts at it I wondered if anyone had any thoughts on this problem.
I've checked the obvious stuff too.....starter connections, battery connections fuses secure etc. Seems odd a starter motor should fail at 8,300 miles and occasional use.