General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Forum Security/Privacy....
In view of what appears to have just happened to JPC re Ed30 seats, is it possible/practical for this forum to have a section which is strictly only viewable by members with more than say 200 posts? Some other car forums have such security for their meets posts.
Poppa Dom:
Think it is a good idea - at least there is an area that could be used for more private, dare I say, intimate, discussions to take place :happy2:
I don't expect it's necessarily simple and would have to rely on people thinking about whether a new topic would be best as private.
For example, the OP of the 'neighbourhood breaker' thread would have to have realised a need for privacy.
Meets is an obvious candidate. Members Rides too, imo.
What does everyone else think and what does SteveP think is practical?
i think this comes close to having paid membership for upkeep of the forum..then only paid members benefit from discounts and news of breakers and such.
if its going to be 200 posts i better get posting!! haha
Maybes just simply a section where members with 200+ posts as you suggested (or whatever number is decided on) where anything like this can be discussed.. Any subject, just a general area but for established and more to the point trusted members only..
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