The main ethos of the forum is to provide dedicated information on the Mk 5 platform to as many people who need it. This we feel should be either as a member or not, we are not about getting as many members as we possibly can because there is no gain in it for us, we dont get more from our sponsors and advertisers for better figures because we dont have any.
If people want to join in the fun then thats great if they just want to extract what they need then thats cool as well.
All the regular posters who become friends and see this as a bit of a place to hang out is just a by- product and although it is also important certainly for me its not the main consideration and we sometimes forget that its not.
I for one would not like to see any private sections available to members only, i feel this place works well on its current path.
And Robin this post is one of the funniest things i have ever read

Being spontaneous can be very dangerous! Yesterday a lady I don't know very well but have met, drove up alongside me at the traffic lights and wound down her window which resulted in me giving her my phone number. She called me last night and this afternoon's spontaneity resulted in me playing my flute in a public place with her dancing (she's a dancer) - All improvised. Those dancers do have very fine bodies, I couldn't help noticing. We both had to go our separate ways after an hour....I touched her arm and kissed her on the cheek and, to my surprise, walked away with a hard-on! She made sure I had her phone number so I guess I'm expected to call her. All of which is very much off topic.