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Author Topic: Forum Security/Privacy....  (Read 10124 times)

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2009, 11:26:09 pm »
Is that a pic of your missus in your avatar, edd? Or is that private information? :evilgrin:

^ Ooops! I missed the "mrs" after all the 6's and 9's. Nice looking missus anyway :happy2:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 12:37:11 am by RedRobin »

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2009, 05:10:05 pm »
Would it be simpler to have a choice when you start a topic, e.g. a tickbox, to make that particular topic only private to the members??

I think that was sort of what Robin was seeking - and I reckon would actually be a good idea.  But you'd then have to remember that a Mod or Admin could potentially untick said box too.

That solves the requirement instead of a whole section cordoned off as private...which I agree with VC would result in a 'inner core' of members, and a bad atmosphere.


I'm also 50:50 on having certain sections private - but many forums do.  The GolfGTIforum has 'private' sections, and also has lots of sections which are private - but these are not restricted by post count - you just need to log in with a valid username - and they all become visible.

As others have said, it seems to be a knee-jerk reaction (and I don't mean that as a 'dig' at anyone) to what was probably a very rare one-off, but distasteful occurance.  Not an easy job being a forum Admin.  :smiley:
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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2009, 05:34:31 pm »

Would it be simpler to have a choice when you start a topic, e.g. a tickbox, to make that particular topic only private to the members??

I think that was sort of what Robin was seeking - and I reckon would actually be a good idea.  But you'd then have to remember that a Mod or Admin could potentially untick said box too.

....Sort of, but I wasn't seeking any method in particular but was just spontaneously (dangerous!) responding to what had happened and flagging the subject for discussion - Which is what's happened, we've had a healthy open discussion and hopefully this is good feedback for the Admin and Moderators to decide what they think is best.

Being spontaneous can be very dangerous! Yesterday a lady I don't know very well but have met, drove up alongside me at the traffic lights and wound down her window which resulted in me giving her my phone number. She called me last night and this afternoon's spontaneity resulted in me playing my flute in a public place with her dancing (she's a dancer) - All improvised. Those dancers do have very fine bodies, I couldn't help noticing. We both had to go our separate ways after an hour....I touched her arm and kissed her on the cheek and, to my surprise, walked away with a hard-on! She made sure I had her phone number so I guess I'm expected to call her. All of which is very much off topic.

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2009, 05:59:38 pm »
The main ethos of the forum is to provide dedicated information on the Mk 5 platform to as many people who need it. This we feel should be either as a member or not, we are not about getting as many members as we possibly can because there is no gain in it for us, we dont get more from our sponsors and advertisers for better figures because we dont have any.  :smiley:
If people want to join in the fun then thats great if they just want to extract what they need then thats cool as well.
All the regular posters who become friends and see this as a bit of a place to hang out is just a by- product and although it is also important certainly for me its not the main consideration and we sometimes forget that its not.
I for one would not like to see any private sections available to members only, i feel this place works well on its current path.

And Robin this post is one of the funniest things i have ever read  :grin: :grin: :grin:  :notworthy:

Being spontaneous can be very dangerous! Yesterday a lady I don't know very well but have met, drove up alongside me at the traffic lights and wound down her window which resulted in me giving her my phone number. She called me last night and this afternoon's spontaneity resulted in me playing my flute in a public place with her dancing (she's a dancer) - All improvised. Those dancers do have very fine bodies, I couldn't help noticing. We both had to go our separate ways after an hour....I touched her arm and kissed her on the cheek and, to my surprise, walked away with a hard-on! She made sure I had her phone number so I guess I'm expected to call her. All of which is very much off topic.


Offline JPC

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2009, 06:10:37 pm »
Robin your a gem!!

Offline tony_danza

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2009, 09:02:47 pm »
I realise why this thread has come about, but in the end it was a shifty ebay double deal by the seller rather than someone snooping and gazumping.

I agree with open and free, as there's already a facility to take anything sensitive offline in PMs.
Sideways yo!

Offline WhiteGTI

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2009, 10:16:05 pm »

Would it be simpler to have a choice when you start a topic, e.g. a tickbox, to make that particular topic only private to the members??

I think that was sort of what Robin was seeking - and I reckon would actually be a good idea.  But you'd then have to remember that a Mod or Admin could potentially untick said box too.

....Sort of, but I wasn't seeking any method in particular but was just spontaneously (dangerous!) responding to what had happened and flagging the subject for discussion - Which is what's happened, we've had a healthy open discussion and hopefully this is good feedback for the Admin and Moderators to decide what they think is best.

Being spontaneous can be very dangerous! Yesterday a lady I don't know very well but have met, drove up alongside me at the traffic lights and wound down her window which resulted in me giving her my phone number. She called me last night and this afternoon's spontaneity resulted in me playing my flute in a public place with her dancing (she's a dancer) - All improvised. Those dancers do have very fine bodies, I couldn't help noticing. We both had to go our separate ways after an hour....I touched her arm and kissed her on the cheek and, to my surprise, walked away with a hard-on! She made sure I had her phone number so I guess I'm expected to call her. All of which is very much off topic.

The sheer randomness of that post has made my night!!!!!!!!  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2009, 10:27:09 pm »
^^^^^ With you there Chris!  :signLOL:

Forum gold from the 'Red LeaderRanger'  :grin:

 :wink: :laugh:
« Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 11:00:19 pm by Greenouse »

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2009, 10:50:32 pm »

Offline G4V VW

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2009, 10:53:07 pm »
Hello folks

Just thought id have my say on this. I 100% agree with VC (reply number 6). As you will see i have a very low post count and would be gutted if i wasnt able to see and more importantly benefit from the infomation that gets posted. I think Redrobin makes some good points and i understand he is only making suggestions but i dont think you will ever stop problems on public forums no matter what you do.

I know this sounds sad to some but i spend most nights trawling this site looking at members rides and laughing at the banter that goes on. If i couldnt do this id have to spend more time with the misses.. :grin:

Oh and by the way im not 100% sure what happened to JPC but from what i read on this post it wasnt nice as this post wouldnt be here otherwise!!....Does that read right?

Offline WhiteGTI

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #40 on: October 23, 2009, 11:02:09 pm »

Would it be simpler to have a choice when you start a topic, e.g. a tickbox, to make that particular topic only private to the members??

I think that was sort of what Robin was seeking - and I reckon would actually be a good idea.  But you'd then have to remember that a Mod or Admin could potentially untick said box too.

....Sort of, but I wasn't seeking any method in particular but was just spontaneously (dangerous!) responding to what had happened and flagging the subject for discussion - Which is what's happened, we've had a healthy open discussion and hopefully this is good feedback for the Admin and Moderators to decide what they think is best.

Being spontaneous can be very dangerous! Yesterday a lady I don't know very well but have met, drove up alongside me at the traffic lights and wound down her window which resulted in me giving her my phone number. She called me last night and this afternoon's spontaneity resulted in me playing my flute in a public place with her dancing (she's a dancer) - All improvised. Those dancers do have very fine bodies, I couldn't help noticing. We both had to go our separate ways after an hour....I touched her arm and kissed her on the cheek and, to my surprise, walked away with a hard-on! She made sure I had her phone number so I guess I'm expected to call her. All of which is very much off topic.

The sheer randomness of that post has made my night!!!!!!!!  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

The whole flute thing reminded me of that scene from Anchorman when he takes the girl out for dinner and begins to serenade her with his 'Jazz Flute' hahahaha!!!
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Offline JPC

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #41 on: October 23, 2009, 11:43:33 pm »
Hello folks

Just thought id have my say on this. I 100% agree with VC (reply number 6). As you will see i have a very low post count and would be gutted if i wasnt able to see and more importantly benefit from the infomation that gets posted. I think Redrobin makes some good points and i understand he is only making suggestions but i dont think you will ever stop problems on public forums no matter what you do.

I know this sounds sad to some but i spend most nights trawling this site looking at members rides and laughing at the banter that goes on. If i couldnt do this id have to spend more time with the misses.. :grin:

Oh and by the way im not 100% sure what happened to JPC but from what i read on this post it wasnt nice as this post wouldnt be here otherwise!!....Does that read right?

thanks for that mate, but it really wasn't too bad. It was just a case of crossed wires more than anything and nothing too bad really!  Thanks for your input mate ;)

Offline QD MBE

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #42 on: October 24, 2009, 11:05:39 am »

Being spontaneous can be very dangerous! Yesterday a lady I don't know very well but have met, drove up alongside me at the traffic lights and wound down her window which resulted in me giving her my phone number. She called me last night and this afternoon's spontaneity resulted in me playing my flute in a public place with her dancing (she's a dancer) - All improvised. Those dancers do have very fine bodies, I couldn't help noticing. We both had to go our separate ways after an hour....I touched her arm and kissed her on the cheek and, to my surprise, walked away with a hard-on! She made sure I had her phone number so I guess I'm expected to call her. All of which is very much off topic.

You been taking the Niagara pills again Pele?
 :signLOL: :signLOL:

Phil Mcavity

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #43 on: October 24, 2009, 12:09:45 pm »

Would it be simpler to have a choice when you start a topic, e.g. a tickbox, to make that particular topic only private to the members??

I think that was sort of what Robin was seeking - and I reckon would actually be a good idea.  But you'd then have to remember that a Mod or Admin could potentially untick said box too.

....Sort of, but I wasn't seeking any method in particular but was just spontaneously (dangerous!) responding to what had happened and flagging the subject for discussion - Which is what's happened, we've had a healthy open discussion and hopefully this is good feedback for the Admin and Moderators to decide what they think is best.

Being spontaneous can be very dangerous! Yesterday a lady I don't know very well but have met, drove up alongside me at the traffic lights and wound down her window which resulted in me giving her my phone number. She called me last night and this afternoon's spontaneity resulted in me playing my flute in a public place with her dancing (she's a dancer) - All improvised. Those dancers do have very fine bodies, I couldn't help noticing. We both had to go our separate ways after an hour....I touched her arm and kissed her on the cheek and, to my surprise, walked away with a hard-on! She made sure I had her phone number so I guess I'm expected to call her. All of which is very much off topic.
Waits for a photshop picture of Robin with his hard flute...........

Just choked on my coffee!!, and you dont have to go into "that" much detail Robin in future  :wink:

Phil Mcavity

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Re: Forum Security/Privacy....
« Reply #44 on: October 24, 2009, 12:12:50 pm »

and that made me p!ss myself literally!!  :signLOL: :signLOL: