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Forum Security/Privacy....

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Yeah, that Red Ranger by VC (who else!) is really forum gold - Absolutely brilliant and perfect context. :notworthy:


--- Quote from: JPC on October 23, 2009, 11:43:33 pm ---
--- Quote from: G4V VW on October 23, 2009, 10:53:07 pm ---Hello folks

Just thought id have my say on this. I 100% agree with VC (reply number 6). As you will see i have a very low post count and would be gutted if i wasnt able to see and more importantly benefit from the infomation that gets posted. I think Redrobin makes some good points and i understand he is only making suggestions but i dont think you will ever stop problems on public forums no matter what you do.

I know this sounds sad to some but i spend most nights trawling this site looking at members rides and laughing at the banter that goes on. If i couldnt do this id have to spend more time with the misses.. :grin:

Oh and by the way im not 100% sure what happened to JPC but from what i read on this post it wasnt nice as this post wouldnt be here otherwise!!....Does that read right?

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thanks for that mate, but it really wasn't too bad. It was just a case of crossed wires more than anything and nothing too bad really!  Thanks for your input mate ;)

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Robin your a nut case  :notworthy:  :grouphug:


--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on October 24, 2009, 08:49:30 pm ---
Robin your a nut case  :notworthy:  :grouphug:

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....But so are most people on here :drinking:


--- Quote from: RedRobin on October 24, 2009, 08:58:55 pm ---
--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on October 24, 2009, 08:49:30 pm ---
Robin your a nut case  :notworthy:  :grouphug:

--- End quote ---

....But so are most people on here :drinking:

--- End quote ---

yes me too  :rolleye:


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