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Author Topic: I think I have a problem  (Read 7398 times)

Offline stealthwolf

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Re: I think I have a problem
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2009, 12:08:34 am »
stealthwolf is based in west mids, anyone know where?
Birmingham mate. Could have made it with the thirty miles of testing you did!  :grin:

I am sure he would meet up with you he is a good egg.  :drinking:

Thanks for that TC!

Only submission I make is that I haven't explored VCDS fully, so whilst I can do scans etc, I have no idea how to do logging whilst driving etc.

If you wanna meet up, gimme a PM to arrange it. I've got funny shifts at work at the mo so it might be tricky sorting out a time and place but I'm sure we can working something out.

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