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Author Topic: Very interesting - APR care to explain?  (Read 26259 times)

Offline ukdub

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #75 on: October 23, 2009, 05:34:03 pm »
Just tried a 3rd gear pull in my car.  The results are as follows

2005 GTI

AXX engine

Manual GVT gearbox

At 60mph = 4500 rpm

At 5000 rpm = 66-67mph

Different again

I would like to know why my early GTI does the above as well :grin: :grin:
Do the later GTi and ED30 and S3 run a different gearbox to the very early GTI
Laser Blue with K04 power, APR hardware controlled by REVO 2+ software
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Offline Keith@APR

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #76 on: October 23, 2009, 05:35:15 pm »
Did anyone see the rpm's vs. mph on APR Supercopa vid?  I wonder if someone from APR would let us know how they are seeing x mph at x rpm when I can only get mine to do x mph at x rpm.

At times I will be one of the most helpful and friendly people on this site.  This is not one of them. :fighting:

in which case..

Did anyone see the rpm's vs. mph on APR Supercopa vid?  I wonder if someone from APR would let us know how they are seeing x mph at x rpm when I can only get mine to do x mph at x rpm.

Thanks for that.  You've got me almost feeling helpful. :happy2:

I have my suspicions but before I comment I need to speak with Motorsport and Engineering.

I think the datalogs are going to confirm what I theorize so on Tuesday I'll be able to show better.

Its more than likely going to be something similar as to when our 997T clients ask why we've lowered the rev limit on our ecu upgrades to 6000rpm's.

Offline Teutonic_Tamer

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #77 on: October 23, 2009, 05:48:43 pm »
Would a simple gear ratio change not explain this? If the car was going through the gears too quickly due to the increased power longer ratio's may have been used?

I might be talking complete rubbish as TBH when it comes to the technical things like this I dont know my arse from my elbow...  :ashamed:

This site is very helpful with working out the effects of gear ratios and different tyre sizes.
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #78 on: October 23, 2009, 05:52:07 pm »
do i have permission to just email this thread to apr yet  :popcornsoda:

Id say go for it, we might get bored otherwise.

On what basis?

jonnyc is comparing his S3 "gearing" with APR's "standard GTi" gearing! And they are NOT the same!

And the speedometer reading in the GTI is way off from reality! Use an PerformanceBox or any other precise GPS to see how much. You will be surprised how much off it is!

I can't comment on the specific gearing diferences, but I can state that the GTI speedo is wildly out, especially from 90mph upwards
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
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Offline Keith@APR

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #79 on: October 23, 2009, 05:52:50 pm »
I really think you've missed a very big opportunity here Keith. If you really felt that Jonny was having an intentional dig at you, you had the opportunity to position yourself as "the bigger man" and come back with a reply with evidence and info on where he was "mistaken" and "helped him out" by giving the correct info.

Your attitude towards Jonny and others is IMO totally unacceptable and I beleive will go along way to knocking peoples opinion of APR as a reputable & freindly tuner in th UK.

I wasn't looking for an opportunity.  I am upset that someone thinks they can make such a claim that could potentially have such a negative impact on the lives of multiple individuals around the world without giving benefit of the doubt, due respect or employing tact.

Some of the most active posters on this thread have discussed this topic previous to Johnny's post and were circling like a pack of wild dogs the second it was posted.  Please don't think I am naive.

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #80 on: October 23, 2009, 06:10:02 pm »
I really think you've missed a very big opportunity here Keith. If you really felt that Jonny was having an intentional dig at you, you had the opportunity to position yourself as "the bigger man" and come back with a reply with evidence and info on where he was "mistaken" and "helped him out" by giving the correct info.

Your attitude towards Jonny and others is IMO totally unacceptable and I beleive will go along way to knocking peoples opinion of APR as a reputable & freindly tuner in th UK.

I wasn't looking for an opportunity.  I am upset that someone thinks they can make such a claim that could potentially have such a negative impact on the lives of multiple individuals around the world without giving benefit of the doubt, due respect or employing tact.

Some of the most active posters on this thread have discussed this topic previous to Johnny's post and were circling like a pack of wild dogs the second it was posted.  Please don't think I am naive.

You are correct Keith and i apologize for this, most of them are recent members after being banned from there own forum and they havn't quite grasped that we try and be respectful to all on here.  :happy2:

Offline RobsCupra

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #81 on: October 23, 2009, 06:12:08 pm »
Edited: as it didn't make sense to man nor beast...  :stupid:

Hopefully I've not offended you with my opinions (as that is all they are) and I look forward to your post with the information you've promised  :happy2:
« Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 06:19:27 pm by RobsCupra »
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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #82 on: October 23, 2009, 06:24:09 pm »
slightly OT but i'm curious...

how the heck do u work out the MPH using RPM / gear ratios?

have done a big googling but i'm still confused!

seems to involve tyre diameter and maybe the number 336?? 

Try this - increadibly helpful -
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #83 on: October 23, 2009, 06:28:06 pm »
Wow, this really has turned into a witch hunt. I hope this thread wont end up with keith stop visiting us, as quite frankly he has been one of the most useful people on here technical wise.

I say we should all wait till tuesday and let keith explain whats what  :happy2:

Offline jonnyc

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #84 on: October 23, 2009, 06:28:57 pm »
Ill look forward to Tuesday then.. Thanks Keith  :smiley:

I still don't quite see why you couldn't have waited until then to just answer the question that I originally asked in one post rather than blowing the whole thing out of proportion and accusing me and others along the way of all sorts but c'est la vie!

I guess we'll get there in the end hey!  :congrats:
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Offline Teutonic_Tamer

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #85 on: October 23, 2009, 06:38:47 pm »
in which case, please get some videos of said car racing another car or something, dont just post a dash board cam video..

also i dont know if you have seen jonnycs car but he has his reasons for  pointing out the "stopwatch" style banter

I didn't start this thread.  I didn't post anything.

I've seen what Johnny is doing and I am not impressed.  What's your point?

Why isn't it his responsibility to offer some sort of evidence of any videos being faked as opposed to a responsibility on our end to disprove his unwarranted accusations?

Keith, as a 'bystander' to this particular thead (with no 'loyalty' to either JonnyC or yourself) - I just think that this was a genuine 'question'.  I certainly don't think Jonny specifically stated that APR had 'faked' anything - but I do accept that this could be unfortunately 'inferred'.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that I thought the purpose of this thread was to resolve a genuine query - and not try and pin any kind of blame - so please try and work together in a civilised and constructive manner.  :smiley:  :drinking:  :grouphug:
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
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Offline Boothy

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #86 on: October 23, 2009, 07:12:41 pm »
Having flicked through this thread I feel that I should voice my opinion, for what it counts. I read the thread early on and it seemed an interesting theory but I just can't get my head around Keiths attitude towards it? Yes I understand that APR want to defend themselves but he seems to have gone about it in a full on, no holds barred way?
 As someone who is looking at a remap with an open minded attitude I feel this has killed one of the potential options. Not becasue of the claims but because of the response from APR'S representative. I want to feel that when and if if have a problem I could speak to someone who was helpful and able to deal with it without throwing the teddy out of the cot!

I'm sorry if this causes anyone problems but Its wound me up that someone can be so openly arrogant in a place where potential customers dwell. APR is off the cards for me!

Offline Keith@APR

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #87 on: October 23, 2009, 07:21:57 pm »
Having flicked through this thread I feel that I should voice my opinion, for what it counts. I read the thread early on and it seemed an interesting theory but I just can't get my head around Keiths attitude towards it? Yes I understand that APR want to defend themselves but he seems to have gone about it in a full on, no holds barred way?
 As someone who is looking at a remap with an open minded attitude I feel this has killed one of the potential options. Not becasue of the claims but because of the response from APR'S representative. I want to feel that when and if if have a problem I could speak to someone who was helpful and able to deal with it without throwing the teddy out of the cot!

I'm sorry if this causes anyone problems but Its wound me up that someone can be so openly arrogant in a place where potential customers dwell. APR is off the cards for me!

Search my name for other posts on this site.

Also, please look at this thread from my perspective.

Also, rest assured that you will more than likely never have the occasion to speak with me as Awesome or any of our other UK dealers will be providing customer service and they do an amazing job.  However, if you have a technical question on this board and its brought to my attention, I will more than likely be the one to answer and if you view my other posts I am awfully polite and helpful.

I am not here to sell our products nor am I here to provide customer service.  I am here solely to provide insight into VAG performance modifications as an individual who has been working with engineers who develop these cars for many years.

I can understand how my posts on this thread can be considered not PC but I am also not going to be bullied about by these few dissenters.

This whole thread is completely shameful on both ends.

If you do decide to purchase someone else's products besides APR and you need some technical advice, don't hesitate to shoot me a pm or email and I will be more than happy to help even though you aren't an APR client.

Offline KRL

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #88 on: October 23, 2009, 09:07:12 pm »
Guys! Please!  Enough of the APR bashing on this thread.  Jonny asked a question Keith is going to provide an answer next week.  Thats it, end of story.

I would like to echo John_o's comments earlier - I really appreciate having Keith on this forum and have learned a lot from the information he has posted.  So thank you Keith and please stick around!

Offline Boothy

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Re: Very interesting - APR care to explain?
« Reply #89 on: October 23, 2009, 09:33:24 pm »
If you do decide to purchase someone else's products besides APR and you need some technical advice, don't hesitate to shoot me a pm or email and I will be more than happy to help even though you aren't an APR client.

Much respect Keith  :happy2:

I really can see your point but coming from a customer perspective it does look poor. Almost petty squabbling.
As I said though I respect your opinion and I will not argue with you going on the defensive. Just think its come across a bit, wrong maybe?  :innocent: