I have a cracked windscreen and has gotten worse, want some advice, I spoke to my insurance, AXA, they said autoglass, 75pound excess to replace, but I will lose my no claims for this year, but will still have my remaining no claims which is around 2/3 years. I asked if did privately, autoglass will charge around £300 pounds!

I spoke to one of my mates gave me a number of someone to call, he's charing £135 but it's not oem glass, I don't really wanna lose my no claims, but I don't really wanna pay £300 either

I'm a bit poorer already this month having spent money on a new key.
£135 for non oem glass from a mates mate.
£75 excess fee replacement glass autoglass but lose this year's no claim, ( Btw haven't asked about getting oem as only just found out you can)
request it)
Or £300 pound private from autoglass not going through claims,
I've read briefly some posts regarding getting oem over non oem as some don't fit correctly or have leaks etc. Need your opinion guys,
Btw sorry, typing this out on my phone