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Author Topic: Suspect something no right with my DSG  (Read 4440 times)

Offline LouCyffer

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Re: Suspect something no right with my DSG
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2011, 07:25:02 pm »
Pleased it's all worked out.
Black 2008 5 door GTI. Leather, DSG, ipod prep, 18" Monzas. Retrofitted: Cruise, PDC, RNS510, 729 Skoda Bluetooth (thanks SteveP), MFSW buttons (thanks MortyGTTDi), Armrest & vents, covered cupholder, Highline (thanks Kalu), Polar FIS+ (thanks Richn), Reversing camera (thanks MortyGTTDi)

Offline h45gti

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Re: Suspect something no right with my DSG
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2014, 01:06:23 am »
sorry for reviving an old thread but I had the same issue with my DSG Mech unit, went back n forth to the dealer I bought from, unfortunately it was a indy dealer and only part service history  :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: ive wrote about it in a couple of posts/threads, ( drove my head in and still does thinking about it) long story short the indy dealer told me to go to one of there "specialist" garages in foxberry, took it to them and took the train back to east London.. week later after phoning every day like a madman they ended up telling me they cant see what the problem is and that its just a "feature" bol1ocks, told my indy again they then spoke to them and advised me to go all the way to bl00dy Gravesend to another specialist , took the trip down about week later, dropped car off. took the f'ing train back home, week later they tell me the same bloody thing after so called vigours tests and claimed it was some feature sh1t ( apologies for the language) they said they did a DSG service however and when I went to pick it back up it drove/ felt better than before. btw I didn't pay for any of the above, indy dealer sorted all that out for me

this was all around about feb 2014 ish,

fast forwards now, I took warranty with WD ( warranty direct) in jan, just for safe measures and heard decent info about them. from feb to april my car started getting the same symptoms again, made a claim in april they got a company called A1 Premier Transmissions to collect my car with there recovery truck, they had my car for almost a month! called like every other day to get some feedback which they did, eventually they stripped the gear box mech unit etc and said yes the mech unit is definatly faulty and quoated around about £800ish and depends on how much WD would contribute) WD didn't cover the whole cost  :sad1:  decided to contribute towards it, I ended up paying around £300ish out of the rough £1k . they delivered my car back ( some guy came and drove the car back down  :confused: :confused: :confused: and handed me the keys, car full of muck but after quick drive I can say I was pretty happy with the results, feels lovely and actually enjoyable to drive now after having the car since Dec 2013.. 

question is, I payed WD to get my car sorted, should I inform my indy dealer that I had got my car repaired and see if they can reimburse me?
ive had the car for 6 months too, ive also got all the emails sent back and forth with the indy dealer. Can this be used for proof if it comes down to anything regarding legal matters?

... sorry I did say long story short but once I start typing I wont stop :signLOL:

VW Golf GTI 57reg