Hey guys
I've been trying to get the swirl marks out of my car. I've tried various products all of which have not worked very well.
I own a black standard gti
I use the following products to clean the car
-2 bucket method
-Lambs wool wash mitt
-meguires gold class shampoo and conditioner
Afterwards I have tried these products ( after clay bar)
-farecla g3 scratch remover . This did absolutely nothing for even the smallest scratch but worked flawlessly with my wife corsa
-meguiares ultimate compound- again didn't do much but did notice a reduction when used with the super resin polish. With this I used the G3 scratch remover applicater
-autoglym super resin polish ( i do at least 3 passes)
- i use the meguiars sot foam pads when using the polish
-megs NXT wax to top it all off
After using the ultimate compound and then the super resin polish for the first time the car did look beater against the sun but not sure if this was a combination of the 2 products or just the filler effect of the polish.
I'm at a point where I find that working by hand is too long and does not give the the results I want and I don't want to waste money on anymore compounds that potentially wont work by hand
Im thinking of using a machine polisher and Ive got my eyes on the kestral das 6
Now this is where Im getting confused. Im not to sure on what pads and brand to use and same with the compounds
Im tempted to try the meguiars ultimate compound as ive heards it has a similar cutting ability to the m105 compound and it maybe that the speed of a motor will correct things.
I've read jays guide to detailing and the menzerna/hexlogic looks appealing but again im not sure on what pad/compound combination to use
I am keen on using the autoglym super resin polish as last layer as i really like the shine it give. I would appreciate any advice about this
Ive attached a pic showing out the types of swirls on my car