Cheers Guys really appreciate the replies,
I thought that might be the case with the 025E wire, I bought a Kufatec heated washer jet loom and installed it last night but when I went to connect the main live feed to connector A 'black' pin 4 of BCM (Kufatec instructions say connector B/white - pin 9) which both use the same terminal I noticed some wally had put a 009E terminal on the end ha ha....nice! hence why I now need a 025E terminal , but it looks like the repair wire is the only way or order the kufatec job lot, can you please confirm that pin 4 and 9 do use the 000 979 025E / MCP small repair wire/connectors please.
Fab 5 freddy - cheers bud but I think I will just make do with the vw repair wire, thanks very much for the reply though.