Hello Faithful Mk5GolfGTI.co.uk Members,Yes, that's right this little site is now 1 year old 
So we wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you, our members, for your support over the past 12 months.
It's been very busy first year with site growing rapidly with nearly 1000 members and receiving well over 4 million hits a month from some 70+ countries around the would. We have also had some very successful meets and events (including our very first meet and the RR day), also the site has received some good recognition from some of the major magazines and even VW UK

However while we have your attention we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you all of some points about the way this run site and raise a couple of points of contention that we want to "knock on the head" before these become negative aspects about the site.
Firstly the site does have a set of guidelines which have recently been revised, so please take some time to read these. They can be found here -
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=51, the main new addition being the guideline on the posting styles (i.e. please no text speak).
The other points we wish to bring to your attention are: -
- Banter amongst our members is something we believe should be a key part of any forum, but this should be of a "friendly" nature so would ask people to be considerate with your personal comments towards other members.
- We have also started to noticed a vast increase in threads that have been started to either brag about racing (i.e. my x is faster the y) or to deliberately provoke a reaction from an individual or company. These types of thread aren't what this site is about about would ask you think before posting them. We don't want to have to start removing/locking peoples threads but we will if this continues.
- This site's name is Mk5GolfGTI.co.uk, the reason it's called this (and will remain to be called this) is because this is our primary focus for the topics, discussion and information we have here. We have always, and will continue to, welcome anyone to the site, especially those with other VAG car's based around the A5 platform or 2.0TFSI powerplant. If your looking for a site to discuss the finer details about something that is unique to cars other than the Mk5 Golf then this site isn't probably the best place to have those discussions.
These comments aren't aimed at any particular individuals and we don't want this to all seam negative, but we feel we need to raising these points now to prevent the site going "off track" and down at irreversible path.
On a more positive note we are please to announce the launch of the new forum stickers. These are being provided by the site's own Very Cherry. Full details can be found here -
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=8539. So go check these out as there is a special limited edition sticker to celebrate the site's first birthday too.
As always we would welcome any comments or suggestions on how to back the site better, if you do have a suggestion then please start a new topic here -
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php?board=10.0So once again thanks for all your support and contributions over the past year, and here's to next

All the best,
Mk5GolfGTI.co.uk Team