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Author Topic: Swirls  (Read 3936 times)

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Re: Swirls
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2009, 09:15:49 am »
I'll have look on the Detailing World site and see whats what. :happy2:

Cheers for all the advice folks.

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Re: Swirls
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2009, 09:29:41 am »
my 2p

I love car detailing (as a keen amateur) and have previously done it all myself, but this year decided I would enlist the services of a pro (JPC).

Initially it does appear to be a relatively large outlay (but compare it to tuning parts and it isnt....) for paintwork.
Thats the misconception.

If you have the time , then by all means learn from the pros and buy the right kit and DIY
but this will cost you a reasonable outlay. If you will stick at it and have the patience to learn the right way to do things , then go this way  :happy2:

But as we all know time is limited , and the days of having 2-3 days free to clean a car just never happens when you have wife/kids/dogs/houses/jobs... insert selfish other tasks here  to look after......

Yes I want to do it myself , but no I just dont have the time.
I can only confirm that my car was well looked after and came back like glass  :happy2:
Using the correct washing procedure I have only washed it and lightly detailed it to keep it looking fresh.
No more than 2 hrs tops and its back to gleaming.....
hassle free gorgeous car everytime , and its now > 6 months later  :happy2:

its a balance but you pay professionals to look after your engine / add mods , so i dont see why the same principal doesnt apply to car detailing.
Yes you can DIY , but ultimately a well known and trusted professional will be able to do create a better finish , that lasts longer, in less time using the correct finishes for your specific car  :happy2:

for me this is Miglior Detailing aka 'JPC' due to location and he's someone from the forum I can trust.
based on location though this can apply to your local 'trusted' detailing professional.

this was not intended to be a advert , but a comparison of DIY vs Professional detailing  :happy2:

Thanks for that john!

your input is appreciated! and no...i didnt pay him to say that!   :signLOL::signLOL: :signLOL:

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Re: Swirls
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2009, 01:28:29 pm »
my 2p

I love car detailing (as a keen amateur) and have previously done it all myself, but this year decided I would enlist the services of a pro (JPC).

Initially it does appear to be a relatively large outlay (but compare it to tuning parts and it isnt....) for paintwork.
Thats the misconception.

If you have the time , then by all means learn from the pros and buy the right kit and DIY
but this will cost you a reasonable outlay. If you will stick at it and have the patience to learn the right way to do things , then go this way  :happy2:

But as we all know time is limited , and the days of having 2-3 days free to clean a car just never happens when you have wife/kids/dogs/houses/jobs... insert selfish other tasks here  to look after......

Yes I want to do it myself , but no I just dont have the time.
I can only confirm that my car was well looked after and came back like glass  :happy2:
Using the correct washing procedure I have only washed it and lightly detailed it to keep it looking fresh.
No more than 2 hrs tops and its back to gleaming.....
hassle free gorgeous car everytime , and its now > 6 months later  :happy2:

its a balance but you pay professionals to look after your engine / add mods , so i dont see why the same principal doesnt apply to car detailing.
Yes you can DIY , but ultimately a well known and trusted professional will be able to do create a better finish , that lasts longer, in less time using the correct finishes for your specific car  :happy2:

for me this is Miglior Detailing aka 'JPC' due to location and he's someone from the forum I can trust.
based on location though this can apply to your local 'trusted' detailing professional.

this was not intended to be a advert , but a comparison of DIY vs Professional detailing  :happy2:

+ 1  :happy2:

Spot on advice that is John!

The other thing I would like to add to that is come re-sale time you will get your money back and some! There are plenty of mediocre cars out there and if you were trying to sell this kind of treatment would make it stand out and leave you quids in!  :happy2:
The condition of a cars exterior is usually a good indication as to the way the car has been treated by it's previous owner.  :wink:

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Re: Swirls
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2009, 01:34:04 pm »
cheers Jay / Nath , indeed this is not an advertisement but a huge  :happy2: for quality detailers...
one of things i love about the members on this forum is that one minute the cars are gleaming on a club stand  :drool: , the next they are being put thru their paces on track  :driver:  , so maybe appearances are deceiving  :evilgrin:
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Re: Swirls
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2009, 01:19:33 pm »
cheers Jay / Nath , indeed this is not an advertisement but a huge  :happy2: for quality detailers...
one of things i love about the members on this forum is that one minute the cars are gleaming on a club stand  :drool: , the next they are being put thru their paces on track  :driver:  , so maybe appearances are deceiving  :evilgrin:

Yep, mines certainly not for 'show only'  :evilgrin: :evilgrin: