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Author Topic: Hi there. New to the forum. I'm from the UK and going to be getting a MK 5 GTI  (Read 2396 times)

Offline Rich88

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in the next six weeks or so.

Going to be spending around £15,000 on hopefully a Candy White DSG 3 door model.

Was just hoping some of you boys and girls would be able to advise me on what to keep my eyes pealed for when looking at potential vehicles.

Also, I would be looking at getting it chipped (not sure of the technical speak for this). Where is the best place to get this done? How much should it cost? And are there any potential draw backs from getting it done i.e. hugely increased fuel consumption?

Any help would be much appreciated.



Offline andytran

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Welcome to the forum!

What age is the GTI? at that price, Id expect it to be a 56/07/57 or in that area, depending on mileage!

Unfortunately, Im leaving for BMW, but only because I got such a good deal - the GTI is an absolutely SUPERB car - you wont regret buying one.

There were odd issues with coil packs/steering racks and rear brake calipers on earlier 05/55/06 modeals, but after that, there are no problems that are common.

BUY IT BUY IT BUY wont regret it!


Offline Janner_Sy

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Welcome Rich

the draw backs of remapping your car is that you wont stop there. thats the only draw back.

Id try and find a car for maybe two grand less than that then modify it to a spec you want. Have a look through the members rides forums to see what some of the guys have done in there and what the best options are
putting 2 grand into an Ed30 i reckon you could get way over 300bhp andsome good ARBs

Offline Rich88

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Thanks guys. The one I particularly have my heart set on is an 07 plate with 21,000 miles on it.

Is an Ed30 worth the extra £££? And how much should I look to spend on a remap, even getting it up to around 270bhp would be adequate for a 21 year old...

Offline Janner_Sy

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std gti will tune to a max of about 280-285bhp. (using exhaust fuel pump intercooler etc), ed 30 will tune to that on a remap alone, so by the time  you add exhaust and fuel pump your looking 330-360bhp. bang for buck edition 30 is the way to go if you want to tune

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Welcome to the forum Rich  :happy2:

The GTI's are generally bullet proof.  :star:

But make sure the Air-con is working properly and check for water in the boot lid brake light, also with the DSG make sure it is nice and smooth when changing gears especially in the low gears take it for a long test drive as most of the DSG gear box glitches only show them selves when the box gets hot. Oh and watch for kangaroo hops in reverse.
All of the above would still be under warranty i am guessing but none the less the above problems are a pain to fix and you could be without your car for a while.  :happy2:  :happy2:


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There's a nice looking 3 door candy white GTI on autotrader at the moment. Up for £14500 from a private seller.

It's a DSG uswel on a 56 plate. Bit of negotiation could see maybe £14k for it.

But you did say a few weeks  till your getting one :signLOL:. Are candy white DSGs hard to come by?

Offline Poverty

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Thanks guys. The one I particularly have my heart set on is an 07 plate with 21,000 miles on it.

Is an Ed30 worth the extra £££? And how much should I look to spend on a remap, even getting it up to around 270bhp would be adequate for a 21 year old...

im 20 and 360hp isnt enough  :jumping:

ed30 all the way.

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Welcome along matey! Good luck with your quest!

Offline Poppa Dom

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Wilkommen, enjoy your stay here, good luck finding a car  :happy2:

Offline T88OMM

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Welcome along mate  :happy2: :wink:
TT-RS Plus - S-Tronic

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              I have just picked my gti up this weekend and its an awesome car. if you are wanting to tune it in the future and can afford extra ££££ then wait and buy an ed 30.

Either way awesome cars. You wont be dissapointed what ever you buy. Just dont rush into anything. When you go see a car if you have any doubts just walk away, the right car is out there.


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I have had my 09 GTI for 3 months and its simply awesome to own one... fun factor = 10 out of 10.  :happy2:

And its not modded out as yet... taking my time to settle in before going for Stage 1.

If you have the *dosh*, ED30 is indeed better.  :laugh:

The Mental Image And Feel Of My GTI; BQM-167 Skeeter Drone - Dodging Low Level Supersonic Jets @99.5% Survivability, Mach 0.95