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Author Topic: Anyone with revo SPS Plus switch in london/essesx/kent?  (Read 4376 times)

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Re: Anyone with revo SPS Plus switch in london/essesx/kent?
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2009, 11:19:59 pm »
how is clapham for you, I got vagcom (dont know to use it very well) and revo select plus if you need it give us a shout

wahey another south londoner  :drinking:
how is clapham for you, I got vagcom (dont know to use it very well) and revo select plus if you need it give us a shout

ohh la la :)

You should come out with us sat / sunday nights for some car action around the thorrock / lakeside area  :driver:,

Do you know how the sps works when using it to adjust settings on multiple cars who have different stage maps? will it work ok?

been out a couple of times on weekend evenings normally around city airport is sometimes quite lively there, keep us posted though if anything on

There is always something on!  :driver: