"Despise" seems a bit strong?

Get a geniune R32 rear end, usually around £200-£300 inc diffuser, reflectors etc. plus those cheap copies are prone to being a sh*t fit too. If you do get a OEM rear then I'd also get the supporting brackets (only a couple of quid from the stealers).......
LH Support 1K6-807-739
RH Support 1K6-807-740
As mentioned if your getting a full exhaust system then look at BCS. I have an Eddy with a BCS Powervalve 200 cell Sport cat TBE with normal GTI/Ediroin30 exit tips. I also have a OEM R32 rear end for my Eddy with a BCS R32 rear assembly. Whichever style of rear you go for you can easliy replace/change the exhaust as its only the last 24"s or so that gets changed unlike a Milly which will be a whole Cat Back required.
Oh and BCS do a choice of 3 styles of tips, win win.
Feel free to PM (when you have enough posts) for any more info.