General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Non Volkswagen Group Rides section

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Suppose people have Edition 38 and other forums for that. Question now is, do we start moving people who already have a post into the new section? Perhaps offer it up as a volunteer move?


--- Quote from: th3_f15t on November 02, 2014, 09:04:03 pm ---Suppose people have Edition 38 and other forums for that. Question now is, do we start moving people who already have a post into the new section? Perhaps offer it up as a volunteer move?

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If people want their thread moved we can do that  :smiley:

Will moderates be allowed to move new posts if they are not mk5 Golfs into the new section though, without asking the OP?


--- Quote from: th3_f15t on November 02, 2014, 09:12:55 pm ---Will moderates be allowed to move new posts if they are not mk5 Golfs into the new section though, without asking the OP?

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They do have the power to do that yes.  :happy2:

Nice work. I've had a few good ideas lately... Think I've used my 2014 and 2015 allowance of them. This means the car may suffer... :sad1:


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