Was going to get a cambelt change a service earlier than anticipated due to various reasons until I got a quote from Listers of Coventry. Anyway I'd be supplying all the OEM parts due to having a TPS account and the guys at Listers just charge labour. Phoned up and thought may as well do the water pump as well as the usual dropping the oil out.......................Price for labour only from them was £600...........yes £600.
After getting up off the floor I said that sounded a little steep

the service manager type then proceeded to quote £550 at a reduced rate

as I said I'd rather go to an independant than pay that. I know the overheads are substantial but FFS.
On top of this a day after my last service (to keep it all full VWSH) the oil light came on. Checked the oil and she was bone dry. After topping her up at my own expense I phoned up Listers asking if the
dick technician that serviced my car new what he was doing or whether the apprentice was having a bad day, the service guy said "sorry" then there was silence, not would you like to bring the car back in to be checked sir or anything else that would restore some form of confidence. This highlighted to me the fact that some people think full VW service history is better than an indpendent servicing, apparently it makes the car more valuable as well

Well in my book it don't mean jack.
Needless to say Listers, Coventry you can kiss my ass if you think I'm coming back. Rant over.