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Author Topic: Corrosion warranty advise please  (Read 1293 times)

Offline Luke s

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Corrosion warranty advise please
« on: July 24, 2014, 10:57:08 pm »
Hi about 3 months ago I had the warranty man out from my local vw to take pics of the couple of rust patches I have on my mk5 small bit on roof coming from behind the windscreen,boot under handle and side of bonnet coming from the seam none of them are stone chip damage. He said then that the paint is deep and has been resprayed which I think is crap reading we're around 130 can anyone tell me what sort of depth I should expect on a 05 reflex silver?anyway he said he would forward the pics and let me on.I had to chase them up weeks later for them to tell me that half the bits would be done boot and bonnet but I had to pay £800 plus vat. I asked about the roof and they needed to verify it had an original screen and wasn't caused by a fitter damaging paint under the screen but that's all checked out so get a call back today to tell me they will do all the bits but it's £1200 odd plus vat. I'm really pissed of as these problems are all coming from body seams and clearly not neglect but after having to spend nearly a grand on a rattle timing chain I really can't afford or justify putting more into the car as I'm already way above its market value. My question is do I take this to trading standards? There seam to be some people getting there corrosion sorted free of charge others not getting anything it seams like a lottery although I don't think my dealer is helping me at all but we have 3 dealers in around a 30 mile radio us but all are the same company ridgeway

If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it as I'm very fast falling out of love for this car


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Re: Corrosion warranty advise please
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2014, 03:46:52 pm »
Hi, I have had a good experience with mine, I know that's not what you want to hear, my experience was went to the dealership they took photos and depth readings said they would be in touch, heard nothing for about 4 weeks then a phone call to say they had ordered the parts and where going to book me in the following week, when I asked about cost they said it would all be done free. That's 2x front wings, tailgate around the VW badge and drivers side sill repair.

From what I gather more often than not its the dealership that delays things and can ask you to contribute to costs etc. The dealership I went to had recently been taken over and they told me that before they changed they where doing everything full warranty all paid for half VW goodwill and the rest topped up by dealership, since they changed ownership they hadn't tried to do any warranty work so said I might end up paying towards it. In the end though I didn't and was happy with everything even the paint colour matched, as that was one of the things that would of bothered me if the wings where a different shade to the rest of the car.

My advice would be try another dealership or if people can recommend there dealerships perhaps may help. Circumstances can change with the dealerships especially if they have to contribute but in your experience even if you went elsewhere and had to pay say 25% cost that would be better than £1200, even better if you don't have to pay. Even if you had to travel and it cost say £50 petrol to get it done free that's gotta be a worthwhile expense.

Anyway i'm rambling now but hope that helps. 

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Re: Corrosion warranty advise please
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2014, 03:54:35 pm »
Try contacting VW UK direct as this is who the dealers have to get repair approval from. If your lucky they might be more helpful if you kick up enough of a fuss.
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Re: Corrosion warranty advise please
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2014, 03:55:29 pm »
Stock paint depth readings are between about 100 and 140.

Offline Luke s

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Re: Corrosion warranty advise please
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2014, 10:51:44 pm »
Thanks for the reply guys
I've spoken to a lady at vw uk and they basically said that vw are doing half good will and the rest is up to the dealer they can't force them to do it for free.I can take it to local body shop and it wouldn't be £1200 plus vat for the full cost.its the principal there offering a warranty and don't honour based in abingdon Oxfordshire we have 3 dealerships 2 in oxford and 1 in wantage and there all ridgeway vw and have 1 body shop in Newbury for all three dealerships.I would travel to get it done that really wouldn't bother me but when I mentioned it to vw uk they told me that it would be the same.i don't no who's talking crap but the dealer told me that vw told them how much to charge but vw said its down to the dealer. I think I will speak to vw uk again and tell them I ain't letting it go kick my legs and wave my arms around a bit see what happens
