Hi guys, sorry this is quite long winded..
I currently have my GTI for sale and im having second thoughts and want to keep it, the problem is and the reason for selling is because i need a van and simply cant afford 2 insurance policies..
I'm 24 and currently fully comp with Elephant who do not allow me to drive other vehicles, so i was wondering if there are any companies out there which will allow a fully comp 24 year old to drive any other vehicle third party?
Reason im asking is because my dad has a Berlingo i can use for work as he only uses it for the dog at weekends so that way i wouldnt need to buy a van and can keep my GTI and hopefully take it to stage 2.
Any help would be appreciated or any other way round it as i REALLY REALLY dont want to sell my GTI as it took me 2 years to save and has always been the car i wanted.