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Author Topic: Vw Dealership MK6 GTi, turns out to have been painted..... What would you do?  (Read 3077 times)

Offline Polo6n1600i

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A good friend of mine bought a "vw approved" used mk6 GTi (10 plate) about 4 months ago from his local main dealers. He hasn't had much time to use it until recently, when he has noticed some deep scratches which have been painted over & masking marks/lines on the quarter panel.

Now as part of the VW approved programme surely any insurance claims should have been flagged up?? If the dealer has done a crappy job of the bodywork, surely these defects will invalidate his corrosion warranty?? The masking marks are deep enough to catch your finger nail in & there is overspray on the brake caliper also.

He paid £15k for it - what would you do if your car??

Offline Markyed30

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Would it not be up to him to look over it before buying?  It's not brand new perhaps the previous owner did it

Offline Leeds s3

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Perfectly normal and a repair doesnt equal insurance claim. Most used cars will have had some paint at some point.

It should have been done to a good standard however which an approved VW will honour, the problem lies in the fact its 4 months down the line.

I work for Audi and sadly if a customer came back with a paintwork fault 4 months down the line they wouldnt be getting any goodwill.
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Offline Polo6n1600i

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He did check it over, but the masking lines are under the edge of the sill, and very difficult to see unless you get down And have a look underneath. and the paint on the calipers was only found while he was cleaning his wheels.

Offline Tortaruga

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Quote from: Polo6n1600i link=topic=86286.msg882808#msg882808 date=very difficult to see unless you get down And have a look underneath.
Maybe he should just enjoy the remainder of his life to the full.
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Offline xjay1337

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Ultimately up to you to inspect.

However id be annoyed in your situation.  Although having paint isn't automatically something to be scared of

Offline paulw123

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I'd take it back & complain, if the paint job is vw quality, then try to get a free service out of them. If paint job really bad try to get them to put it right.....
As above most used cars have had something done, used dealers don't look too hard so they can play bumb if you ask the question about previous repair work...
Give it a good detail & just try to enjoy it. 
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Offline Nodz

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Depends on the reason it was re sprayed, some vehicles have to have paint work because of damage between the factory and showroom, as said if its a good job then no need to worry but I would want to know why it's been done.

Offline heavyd

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Plenty of cars get resprayed before they even leave the factory..................................
What do you think happens if a car accidentally gets scratched while parts are being fitted!

Offline Orc

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Exactly this ^^^^^ I'm from a dealer and a lot of new cars are painting and 2nd hand cars especially when most dealers have there own bodyshops now days on site most cars get painted in some form

Offline J400uk

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Yeah this sort of thing isn't uncommon unfortunately. A significant proportion of cars will have had some sort of paintwork done on them at some point.
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Offline simonp

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My missus bought an A3 a few years back and when I washed it with a pressure washer on our drive the washer blasted out multiple paint repairs where they had filled in stone chips and about half the top coat came off with them, so we ended up with a matt silver car with spots of paint missing all over the front bumper and bonnet. Phoned up the dealer and they didn't want to know, but another call to Audi CS got it sorted.

Offline Markyvitch

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I think if he complains how would the dealer know HE hadn't had it repaired ?

Just my Thoughts

Offline Gates

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My neighbour has had the exact same problem with his 2012 s3 that he bought from Audi last year, he's kicked off and said the whole point of buying from Audi approved was to eliminate this possibility his has had the back end repainted and filler in the rear bumper. The bodyshop manager he took the car to has said it's had a back end smash.

He notified Audi and has told them to either get him a replacement car with the same spec/mileage etc or he wants a full refund. They are looking for a replacement and if they don't find him one will be giving him his money back.

Hope this helps.