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Author Topic: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?  (Read 10990 times)

Offline Bennz

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Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:53:28 am »
Hi all ,
Just to keep it simple. Has anyone used either of oils mentioned in the topic ? If so what is your experience and feedback?


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Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2014, 11:20:34 pm »

Offline Alzak

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« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2014, 06:47:42 am »
Both are not fully synthetic oils mineral base with synthetic additives.

You can find better oils but above are not the worst.

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2014, 08:21:24 am »
Quantum Longlife 3 is fine, much cheaper than Edge, comes in 5 litres for oil change too. :happy2:

Not the best oil as well  :happy2: definately not good option for modified car.

Good oils which I would recommended :

Petrol Engines

Amsoil ECF 5W40
Liqui Moly Synthoil High Tech 5W40
Millers Nanodrive
Royal Purple 5W40
Castrol EDGE Sport 0W40
Liqui Moly Synthoil Energy 0W40
Ravenol 0W40
Royal Purple 0W40
Mobil1 SuperSyn 5W50
Millers CFS 10W40
Statoil LazerWay 5W40
Elf Synthese 0W40
Liqui Moly Synthoil Race Tech
Gulf Racing 10W60
Valvoline VR1 Racing 5W50

All of them but Valvoline are fully synthetic oils

Diesel without DPF

Liqui Moly Diesel Synthoil 5W40
Castrol EDGE Professional 0W30

Diesels with DPF which need low/mid saps oils

Amsoil ECF Low-SAPS 5W30
Ravenol VMO 5W40

And not as good option  as above but still good oils not fully synthetic

Liqui Moly Top Tec 4600 5W30
Fuchs Titan GT1 Pro 5W30
Valvoline SynPower MST 5W30

« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 08:32:14 am by Alzak »

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2014, 08:36:17 am »
What's the difference between Edge and quantum LL3? 5w30

Offline Alzak

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2014, 08:43:36 am »
What's the difference between Edge and quantum LL3? 5w30

There is few EDGE oils you right some of the EDGE oils are same as Quantum but not the one I have listed above ... Quantum oil do not have a single fully synthetic oil in their line up all of them are PAO + HC based oils

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2014, 08:51:53 am »
What's the difference between Edge and quantum LL3? 5w30

And here is difference between Quantum LL3 and Edge

SAE Viscosity Rating 5W-30
Relative Density at 15°C 0.85
Viscosity at 40°C, mm2/s 74
Viscosity at 100°C, mm2/s 12
Viscosity Index 160
Flash Point, (closed) °C 210

And Edge

Castrol EDGE 5W-30
Density @ 15°C, Relative ASTM D4052 g/ml 0.851
Viscosity, Kinematic 100°C ASTM D445 mm²/s 12.0
Viscosity, CCS -30°C ASTM D5293 mPa.s (cP) 5800
Viscosity, Kinematic 40°C ASTM D445 mm²/s 70
Viscosity Index ASTM D2270 None 169
Pour Point ASTM D97 °C -42
Flash Point, PMCC ASTM D93 °C 202
Ash, Sulphated ASTM D874 % wt 0.64

Offline Alzak

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2014, 10:34:59 am »
They look practically identical to the untrained eye.

If I regularly tracked it, I'd consider the Nanodrive or equiv. but doing two/three drops a year with 3 vehicles, £60 oil for each drop would get expensive.

Quantum LL3 meets 507, is liveried up as Fully Syn., VW use it, is arguably the same as Edge 5w30, and is about the third of the price of the exotic oils.

Not saying its the best, but for a lightly modded GTI its kept the engine running well in 126k.  I used it previously on a SAAB 9-5 Aero to 150k before I sold it.

Think i'll continue using it and keep with the regular drops, which are probably just as important as the oil.

Using good quality oil is as important as oil changes I do mine every 6-7k.

£60 may look as expensive but this is fraction of cost for engine rebuild or turbocharger replacement...

People complain why turbochargers fail so often but if you ask them about oil they have no clue what is used as the answer is I leave this for garage ... or they run car on longlife servicing, if you ever got a chance just cut in half oil filter after 15k miles you should see what I'm talking about.

507 spec is not really good as this is low saps oil designed for ecology to protect DPF and as we know what is good for environment is not really that good for engine.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 10:36:49 am by Alzak »

Offline Bennz

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Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2014, 11:16:55 am »
I was under impression the oils in my title were fully synth group 4 or 5.

I am after an oil which protects and prevents nasty build ups. Price is no problem for me and I will be changing it at least once a year ( I don't drive high mileage )

So Alzak from the list which is the best ? Currently my GTI is not modded but might consider bluefin or APR only stage 1 in future.

Offline Alzak

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2014, 11:30:32 am »
I was under impression the oils in my title were fully synth group 4 or 5.

I am after an oil which protects and prevents nasty build ups. Price is no problem for me and I will be changing it at least once a year ( I don't drive high mileage )

So Alzak from the list which is the best ? Currently my GTI is not modded but might consider bluefin or APR only stage 1 in future.

Non of the oils in title are group 4 or 5 ...

Not a lot between them for petrol I would be looking at Millers, Royal Purple or Liqui Moly.

Royal purple is hard to get same thing with Liqui Moly and Millers is widely available I just bought Millers nanodrive from Opie Oils as my service is next Saturday.

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2014, 11:36:19 am »
I guess availability for me would be different as I'm not in UK .  Just for me to understand , I was told by VW mechanic that for engines that produce more than 180bhp 504 is recommended as that group oil provides less deposits , manages heat better and better protection.

So could you explain why you mentioned 504 507 is not good for engine ? Just curious

Offline Alzak

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2014, 12:03:02 pm »
I guess availability for me would be different as I'm not in UK .  Just for me to understand , I was told by VW mechanic that for engines that produce more than 180bhp 504 is recommended as that group oil provides less deposits , manages heat better and better protection.

So could you explain why you mentioned 504 507 is not good for engine ? Just curious

As 504 and 507 specification oils are low saps designed for environment not for best engine protection, moce of 504/507 ACEA C3 oils are not trully synthetic.

And on side not oil specification do not mean a lot there is many oils on the market which do not have given specification on packing but in reality they are exceeding values needed for this specification is just pure marketing, to be able to use say VW specification on your oil packing you have to pay a lot and not all companies want to pay this royality fees.

Hope that makes sense ?

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2014, 12:30:39 pm »
As a side note, why are peeps using *w40 and higher over *w30..?... more protection at temperature, yes, but surely more drag too, wouldn't we want the lowest viscosity oil (whilst maintaining protection) to let the engine spin as freely as possible and produce the most amount of PWR/TRQ as a result? 

At cold temperatures or when an engine is cold, both of these oils operate the same. But at higher engine or environmental temperatures, the heavier oil, the 5w40, operates better.

Hope this helps.

Offline Bennz

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Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2014, 12:38:48 pm »
But what I have noticed is 5w30 is more fluid than 5w40 in same temperature as the engine will be running under.

And thanks Alzak, what you say makes sense. Probably it's more about the quality of the oil that standards it meet.

I found Liqui-Moly Top Tec 4200 5W-30
Locally , so might do some research on it

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Re: Anyone tried Motul Specific 504 or Fuchs Titan GT1 pro c-3?
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2014, 01:17:46 pm »
Hmm, doesn't the increase in oil weight cause more strain on the oil pump at operating temperatures.  I also wonder whether the thicker oil would fast track the oil pickup into sludging more quickly/readily.