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AKS TTRS/DB9 Brembo + 362mm AP Review

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--- Quote from: Tfsi_Mike on August 13, 2014, 02:12:01 pm ---
How's the pedal feel? At all curious how it would be with the ttrs MC?

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Very different to the r32 caliper.

The first bit of pedal travel does less with the 4pots, where as the r32 would bite quicker. However the r32s do run out of puff when you press the pedal hard, where as the 4pot seem to have much much more actual power. I've had the tyres squealing where as before the brakes just wouldn't.

Doubt I'll do the MC to be honest.

Very nice!! I must stop reading all these threads with brake upgrades :(

Very nice upgrade Rich. Me likey  :happy2:


--- Quote from: chungster on August 13, 2014, 07:00:18 pm ---Very nice upgrade Rich. Me likey  :happy2:

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--- Quote from: richwig83 on August 13, 2014, 11:22:27 am ---

I wanted them to say    BRAKES   but it would have meant another refurb.

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NOOOOO don't refurb them!!!!! ;)


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