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Author Topic: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders  (Read 13277 times)

Offline katta

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2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« on: July 27, 2012, 03:17:48 pm »
I have a problem when the car is stationary parked up sometimes it misfires and sometimes judders continuesly, not sure what the problem is? it has recently been serviced and i have had is diognostic tested however there is absolutly no fault anywhere, the car drives perfect locally and motorway without a problem, however i have this problem where is sometimes misfires and judders? the mechanic is unsue where the fault is, any ideas what it could be?

Offline john87

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Re: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2012, 10:05:23 am »
It could possibly be down to an injector issue, either blocked or first port of call would be to purchase a decent diesel injector cleaner and run it through your tank, then take it from there  :happy2:
VCDS Hex-USB +CAN (Central Scotland)

Offline katta

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Re: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2013, 01:51:04 pm »
thank you for your reply, I have still not got round to changing the injectors however I will book it in for an injectors clean and take it from there. thanks, here is the link on your tube of my car making this juddering misfire noise.

Offline G40will

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Re: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2013, 10:15:46 pm »
Is it the BKD engine? (140 BHP)?

If so, they suffer from oil leaking into the fuel return line from the tandem pump on the engine which in-turn blocks the lift pump in he fuel tank with oil deposits.

As has been stated above, try some goo quality injector cleaner and some premium fuel an if this does not solve the problem I would next try replacing the lift pump in the tank for a used one or if your wallet allows a new one from vw.

A used one can had for around £40 and a new one is £150 ish.

All these options are far cheaper than replacing and injector at £500 each to see if they are the cause.

Hope this helps!

Offline katta

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Re: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 02:52:16 pm »
Thanks for your suggections guys. Yes it is a BKD engine 140BHP, I had it checked by a machanic first we attempted to clean the injectors and see if the problem dissapears however we had no joy. After further investications and reserch we attempted to adjust the engine timing on the pully. this has now resolved the issue of misfier and judder on idle. major releif

Offline chakatee

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Re: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 11:49:00 pm »
That is exactly how my car is running.

It is worse when the car is just started up. After travelling a couple of miles it settles down slightly but you can still feel the undercurrent of a judder in there all the time afterwards. I have put a bottle of Forte Diesel cleaner through - no success so far. I have filled the tank with Shell V Power Diesel.
It's a BKD engine, 140 GT TDi 2004.

Any other thoughts anyone?


Offline katta

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Re: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2014, 04:30:12 pm »
hi sorry for the late reply, the mechanic adgusted the enging timing. thats all it was apprently. its a small fiz problem. I was so so frustrated at the time going from one garage to another and they could not come under the problem. so so glad its sorted. let me know if you want further details

Offline katta

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Re: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2014, 08:37:01 pm »
Hi sorry for the late reply I have just logged into my account and noticed you emailed me. No sure if you have resolved the issue. Basically all the mechanic did was plugged in his computer and noticed one of the screens weren't reading as this should be it was 1 and should have been -0.5 this is the VAGCOM computer display. he they adjusted the engine timing on the pully right next to the water take there is a black cover where the belt is spinning, all he did was adjusted the engine timing by a very millimetre or 2, that's all it was the problem went straight away. I can assure you that's what he did. I lived with this problem for nearly 2 years and it really got me mad. I can understand how you must be feeling. Let me know if you want to know anything else. Thanks

Offline HandyAndy

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  • MkV Golf GTs 140
Re: 2004 MK5 Golf 140 GT TDI misfires and judders
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2014, 10:49:06 pm »
I too have a very slight judder, that gives the the impression that the engine is hunting? Strange to describe but that's the only way I can put it. Reading the post above is similar, but definitely not like the YouTube clip in the earlier post.

I'll try the fuel additive cleaner and see how it fares, but as of yet its running on asda diesel, still giving good mpg and pull when required.

Other ideas welcomed?

United grey - Mk5 GTs [140] TDI on a 08 reg.