@ Pauli - I'm very impressed with the ACC the 3 modes are very distinctive, the comfort mode is great for a long motorway run, irons out all the imperfections in the road surface but the car does not wallow around either. Sport selected the rest of the time though
Neg - The DRL's seem to operate in the way you describe for the halogen bulbed cars. Will check the manual tonight and post if any different.
The deletion of the bump strips on the doors has removed one point where dirt could get captured, but I will be parking as far from other vehicles as possible
i do that, i mostly park over two spaces away from the whatever store it is.
I got a ticket for doing that last week, but i dont really mind!
i was telling my mum who was giving it the "you shouldnt have parked like that, its cost you £30 now"
then i proceeded to point out to her at least 4 dings on each side of her pretty nice BMW coupe.
Id rather pay £30 every 6 months or so and have a ding free car!