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Author Topic: 'Ring trips - options, rough costs and handy tips  (Read 2570 times)

Offline tony_danza

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'Ring trips - options, rough costs and handy tips
« on: January 13, 2009, 11:53:47 am »
I thought it might be a good idea to have a rolling thread we can add to with useful info for those looking at your forum 'ring trip

Given that I've just organised mine, I thought it might be helpful to show some of you the route options and rough costs for getting to and staying at the 'ring.. it's really not as bad as some may think.

Some tried and tested routes, and current prices if you wanted to go in May for a long weekend Saturday to Tuesday.

Dover - Dunkerque (return)
Leave @ 6am, arrive @ 9am
Return @ 8pm, arrive @ 9pm
Dover - Calais (return)
Leave @ 5:55am, arrive @ 8:25am
Return @ 8:40pm, arrive @ 9:10pm
Folkestone - Calais Eurotunnel (return)
Leave @ 6:20am, arrive @ 7:55am
Return @ 8:50pm, arrive @ 8:25pm

If you're travelling from afar, there's plenty of Travellodges etc. around Dover and with current offers they can be had for around £40 for a twin room.

The Hull ferry is a bit of a curve ball in that you rock up at night and basically sleep on the ferry arriving in the morning. Good if you're coming from oop Norf.
Hull - Rotterdam (return)
Leave @ 9pm (Fri 15th May), arrive @ 9am (Sat 16th May)
Return @ 9pm (Tue 19th May), arrive @ 8am (Wed 20th May)
£224 (standard bunk excl. meals)

Whichever way you go, you can get to the 'ring in 1 tank of fuel and a 3-4 hour drive if it's clear.

Mileage (approx) from Rotterdam to 'ring = 200
                     Calais                                   = 280
                     Dunkerque                           = 255

Accomodation is as cheap or expensive as you want it to be. I stay B&B 10 minutes from the 'ring entrance and it costs £70 a night for a twin room.

So you can get have a 3 day break at the 'ring for less than you'd think!

Sideways yo!

Offline JPC

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Re: 'Ring trips - options, rough costs and handy tips
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2009, 11:59:37 am »
thats a huge help, thanks for that mike.

I would love to go but im a girl when it comes to the idea of someone crashing into me on the ring. have you ever had any close shaves?

Offline tony_danza

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Re: 'Ring trips - options, rough costs and handy tips
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2009, 12:25:54 pm »
Touch wood, I've been ok and I drive with the view to staying out of people's way and just enjoying it... rather than going balls out for sub 10 minute laps, just because Clarkson did it in a Jag.

I know people who have bent cars there, and it's VERY easily done. I've also seen people take others out and end up brawling in the paddock.

This is a bit of a sweeping generalisation, but from what I've seen the young French and Dutch turn up in sh*tboxes and basically use it as a weekend plaything. They'll cut you up on the line, they'll smash their cars up around you and they don't give a toss.

The Brits fall into two camps, giddy lads who start calm and as the time gets closer and closer to going home push harder and harder until they do something silly. Every car that came back smashed on Sunday afternoon was British. Then there's the "enthusiast" Brit, very courtious and there for the same reasons you are.

The Germans are as you'd expect, they are superbly mannered on track and fast as f*ck.. you'll be flying at 100+ with nothing in your mirrrors and all of a sudden you're passed by streaks - PorschePorschePorscheM3Porsche out of nowhere!!

I'm no expert at all, so this isn't gospel, but because I go with people who've been there many times more than me I listen to them. We tend to avoid the track at certain times - mid afternoon because of the 'one more lap' before the dash home and after the track has been closed for a while and everyone is getting frustrated. Anything else just have fun!

It's worth going Jay, just for the craic alone and blag some passenger rides with someone who is willing to go out. The feeling when you arrive there and there's hundreds of cars and the vibe is unreal.. it just lifts you. The adrenaline as you're queuing up is like nothing else. The track is staggering and scary as hell - nothing will prepare you for how fast/blind/off camber/steep/narrow it is, it demands ultimate respect.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 12:35:23 pm by tony_danza »
Sideways yo!

Offline SteveP

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Re: 'Ring trips - options, rough costs and handy tips
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2009, 12:31:41 pm »
^^ Well If I wasn't sold on the idea before I sure am now   :laugh: :laugh: :happy2:

Offline tony_danza

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Re: 'Ring trips - options, rough costs and handy tips
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2009, 12:38:27 pm »
Sadly it's also worth going whilst you can, as it is becomming a victim of its own success. Everyone there last time was talking about it getting to saturation point and more and more people are crashing.
Sideways yo!

Offline gulfstream11

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Re: 'Ring trips - options, rough costs and handy tips
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2009, 12:53:50 pm »
I travelled from Hull last year,(live in doncaster).One way to Zeebruge and Calais Dover return.I took 3 people along who shared the cost,this made it extremely cheap.The downside is they all got rat arsed overnight and I could,nt drink because of the early start.
Stopped in the Am Tiergarten 75 euros per night for a twin room.Owned by Sabines family and she,s always in.Handy for a stalker like me.. Bonus is the room overlooked the track and is half a mile from the Ring main entrance.It has a great bar and food and if I get on this trip I will be booking there.