So I've been pretty quiet on the forum with regards to my car over the past few months. A few things have changed in that time.
The car passed it's MOT without a single advisory in January - Which surprised me considering it's about 11 years old now!
I then changed the oil with Quantum Platinum 5w40 (R-tech reccomend either Millers or the Quantum). Having had the Millers running in it previously I can't say I've noticed any difference in terms of performance or noise so happy days!I also changed the oil filter and the pollen filter - just to keep the air inside clean.
AP Coilovers were installed - I figured this'd give me some adjustment as I wasn't exactly sure how much I wanted to lower or even if I wanted to lower it at all. I didn't go for my initial preference of the Koni's fully adjustable as I decided I was never going to track my car so really didn't need the adjustment they offered.
I had them wound right down to the bottom for a short while before I decided I had enough of the scrapes and going REAL slow everywhere. I soon changed their height back to a more useable height where it is sat for now - much better and am able to actually use the car as a GTI again! :)
I also had the Powerflex ALK (Anti-lift kit) installed along with the engine mount and dogbone insert bush. This really has improved the handling and for the relativley little cost they have really bought the car to life!
I've also gone and had all 4 tyres replaced as they were all budget / ebay specials from when I had purchased them. I ended up going with Rainsport 3's after reading some reviews on various forums. I previously had Goodyear Eagle F1's on my previous GTI and if i'm completely honest - I can't say they are worth almost 2x the cost of the Rainsports - or maybe I just don't drive "hard" enough.
Today I just spent the past few hours replacing the front disc's and pads as I was beginning to get a bit of juddering which coincided with my brake pad warning light coming on.
I ended up getting 340mm TTS discs along with Brembo pads - From my initial drive since having fitted them they're pretty good and I haven't noticed any real difference in braking performance even though they are a little smaller.
I was hoping to replace the rear brake discs and pads too, but unfortunately I can't seem to get enough leverage on my drive to remove the caliper carrier (m14) bolts so I may have to give it to the garage in the coming week to get them done.
I've also wrapped my entire center console with a Carbon fibre look wrap - I think it really has freshened up the inside as it was beginning to look a little drab - or maybe it's just because it's been about 4 months since it's last wash

I'm sure I've missed some little bits and bobs that I've probably done.
I'll have to give it a wash at some point over the coming week and will upload some pics afterwords!