General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Moderation of members rides…

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Not sure if it has been mentioned in the past, sorry if it has but I see a lot of builds with duplicate comments or big updates being quoted making for a messy read.

Would it be possible to make the OP of the thread a moderator of it, so they can keep it tidy and on topic?

The OP can already lock the thread or even delete it completely, but as for other people's posts I'm in agreement. Perhaps disabling the ability to use [IMG] code within quotes would go half way to reducing bandwidth requirements and space on screen.


--- Quote from: th3_f15t on August 20, 2014, 06:00:11 pm ---The OP can already lock the thread or even delete it completely, but as for other people's posts I'm in agreement. Perhaps disabling the ability to use [IMG] code within quotes would go half way to reducing bandwidth requirements and space on screen.

--- End quote ---

If that's possible IMO it would be a good improvement!

I don't think it can be done. Sorry.

Can you code a quote to change the header on the IMG to make it a thumbnail? I think PHs do this.


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