General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Moderation of members rides…
That's the kind of thing I was meaning... Quoting 30 pictures is just unnecessary and makes a mess!
Would the loss of quoting pictures be a great loss?
--- Quote from: richwig83 on September 01, 2014, 08:17:57 am ---Turns out it is possible but it would be forum-wide so no one would be able to quote pictures in any section, and quoted smilies wouldn't show either :sad1:
--- End quote ---
no loss to me hahahaha :happy2:
Life is about sacrifice and compromises... No great loss to me either :smiley:
You could resize images within quotes with a small piece of javascript. But core files would need small modifications. You could even remove the images completely when the post is posted.
On the page below all images bigger than 100px in quotes are resized so smilies would not be affected. You could even take it one step further and have them enlarge on mouse over.
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