Hi Guys,
Just wanted to pick the brains of some of our more hands on members.
When it comes to my car, there is generally no expense spared when it comes to mods, if its a job is worth doing its worth doing right 100% first time round. So things like alignment after lowering etc is done no questions asked.
But, i myself, am pretty good as hands of stuff, as many of you know, my car is pretty modded (OEM+ style) and ive done most myself. Ive just recently changed all the beige interior headlining and ancillaries to Black GTi ones. So i consider myself pretty handy like that.
One thing though, that has daunted me and ive never looked into doing, is changing/bleeding my brakes. Mainly due to the consequences, but it would be so much handier for me to be competent whilst swapping the brakes on my car.
Ive got an ample working environment with my detailing unit.
Ive had S3 rears for nearly a year now and not fitted them.
I have heard its relatively easy, once your familiar with it. Im sure there are members on here that would be completely put off by doing a headlining swap, but could p1ss a brake bleed!
Oh and btw...its not completely foreign to me, I've bled my brakes on my downhill and XC bike.
any input is welcome, even if its "get someone else to do it"