As some of you already know, I have been lucky enough(thanks MonkGTI) to get hold of a brand new set of Black Monza II Detroit's, for my Edition 30. I have always liked these alloys and would have been my alloy of choice if I purchased my car new, and they were an option???
My car now;

And this is what it is going to look like by the end of the week (anyone feel free to photo shop onto my five door if you like.....)

Just a couple of questions;
1. Were these actually an option on the Edition 30, I know they were standard on the continent?
2. I am going to put new tyres on at the same time, I have had both F1 assys(8pS3) and Vredesteins(RS4) in the past and loved them both, I can have either, and am leaning toward the F1, do either tyre work better on the GTI? the Vreds are approx 10% cheaper, but I will pay the extra.
3. What are my standard wheels with conti tyres ( 2 x 4-5mm, and 2 x 7-8mm) worth? All excellent condition bar a couple of minor chips, and would you sell them or do you think my car would be harder to shift with the Detroit's?
Cheers in advance as always