Apologies if I'v posted in the wrong section but wasn't sure were this post would be best put.
Long story short I have been trying to buy MK5 GTi Interlagos Tartan/Plaid material for as long as I have had my Edition 30 - I want to re trim some R32 Recaros using it. I have litrerally searched the internet and contacted any supplier that I could find who has supplied it in the past but keep getting told cant get it any more. Well I think I have found 5 metres worth and it seems to be original OEM material (but getting clarification) from a company in Europe. Unfortunately they know exactly what they have, how hard it is to get hold of and will only sell the lot or nothing at all. They initially wanted such a large amount of money I nearly fell off my chair but I have (providing more proof is sent to me) got them down a bit.
I would want 2 meters of this material so there would be 3 meters (to be confirmed but the width is approx. 1.2 meters). It would work out at £700 delivered to UK for the whole 5 meters!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so £140 a meter!!!!!!!!! Like I said I need 2 meters so my question is would anyone else want to get in on this? I am not looking to make any money out of this (I'm sure there will be people who think I am trying to exploit people and get a load of cash out of selling it) I will put the invoice (if it happens) on here to prove what the costs were - if I manage to get it for any less we will simply split the costs accordingly. I'v not thought about the ins and outs of how it would work but simply wanting to know if there is enough demand for the remaining material - I don't need more than 2 meters.
I am still waiting for a little more proof before going ahead any further, but I do have the picture below that was taken today as a starter - I am waiting for confirmation if the material is OEM or repo and have asked for a picture with my user name and date (like the for sale section on this forum) I have been given the contact from a trusted source and don't doubt what I'v been told yet. Yes its a STUPID amount of money for some material but I really don't think this stuff exists anymore - this material has been harder to find than the R32 bucket I want retrimming!!!!