1. only black std on GTI , either accident damage , just damaged + wrongly replaced , or owner preferred colour matching

2. effected greatly by well setup suspension etc. Also by type of tyre and pressures. With it all working well, you should be able to deploy the full beans in a std GTI without wheelspin (except 1st in the wet). but as with all things you need to modulate the throttle.
think about a full checkup on tracking etc after the new tyres are on. as well as that consider a WALKit
3. Just ask the dealer when your in, should do it for free if you ask nicely. Power delivery should be clean for a K03 (never jerky).
you running high octane fuel? Jerkiness could be more a symptom of excessive engine movement on the mounts rather than an engine issue. (stage 1 fix is simple rubber insert , stage 2 fix are different engine mounts)
Remap delivery can be modulated to some extent by using REVO select switch to alter boost setting, but your right foot is your best friend here
Id suggest you get the car 'sorted' first , then move onto a map when your happy it a-ok

p.s. have a gander round the
product review section