Had some door knockers round today. I never answer the door to them, and anything which comes through the letter box invariably goes in the bin. After all, if they wanted it then the last thing to do is give it to someone else, eh. And I certainly don't want it.
So, this morning I got this...

... which the wife brought in and showed me.
Sharply followed by said person knocking on the door. As it happened I was busy doing a water change on the fish tank so I couldn't even see who was there. So, ignored them. Pigdog flew outside and stood at the gate barking at them though. Then 5 minutes later someone else knocking at the door, again I ignored them, and again Pigdog went to the gate to bark at them.
So, thinking logically, why would someone post a wooden kitchen utensil through my letter box? The answer? Well, no doubt at some point they've had their fingers bitten by dogs & such like. Let's be honest, it happens at our house if you put your fingers through the letter box, so perhaps a wooden spatula is a good idea. Except that Pigdog lives by the front door, and his sole purpose in life is to grab whatever comes through the letter box. Which he did with the spatula. He doesn't chew stuff particularly, just grabs it as soon as it appears.
So, door knockers lost their wooden spatula, which I guess is preferrable to losing their finger ends eh?

Oh, and they came back for a final knock before they left the estate. Pigdog went to the gate to bark at them...