So added a few little bits over the winter period.
Got some winter wheels, 16" alloys from a standard golf. Makes mine look like a rep though..

Firstly got ALL the rust sorted, local bodyshop did a great job too. Got them to touch up some other marks as well while they were at it. A week or so without the car but worth it and a weight off my mind.
Then a new battery, Bosch S5. Was in the sale on Euro Car Parts, the car was a little hesitant on cold startup, it was on the original battery and changing it has sorted it out.
Fitted cruise control myself over Christmas, cheers Eddie-NL for supplying the parts and giving advice! Process was a lot easier than anticipated, glad I didn't pay £100+ to fit it too!
Got a Pipercross panel filter for Christmas, which I've promptly fitted - can't say it makes a massive difference.. maybe slightly noisier.
Then got a eBay special short shifter. Hopefully get this fitted soon, when the 100mph winds have died down..