I thought Eddie had brought his control panel for test purpose only, but of course if he was selling it I wouldn't hesitate to buy it from him as well.
To be honest I thought it was only for test when he came over but when he offered it to me I couldn't say no

Had another visit from Ed on Sunday morning as my trim had turned up for the climate panel so that could be sorted. Many thanks
@Eddie-NL for your help...again

I'd have stood no chance doing this properly, I didn't realise how many pins needed swapping on my car for the motors to work properly. The RNS510 video in motion was also coded while the trim was swapped out so that's another little party trick it has and can also be used to keep certain passengers quiet on long journeys

Here's how it looked before.

And here's how it looks now. SO much better!

Now I need to figure out what to do next hehe