Had a big day yesterday,
@Eddie-NL came over and worked his magic on my car once again. This time we tackled the biggest job so far, swapping out my Mk5 highline for a Mk6 white display highline with blue needles. This however also meant swapping out the ABS pump and doing a brake bleed as the ABS pump that was in my car was too old for the cluster.
First off Ed got going on the ABS swap while I attacked the keys to replace the transponders over for the immobiliser without damaging the original transponders for if the car goes back to standard. The actual pump swap went pretty painlessly, then we got to doing the brake bleed and that's where the fun really began. Got all the way around the car without much feeling in the brake pedal at all, on the last wheel I pumped the pedal some really manky nasty fluid came out of the bleed nipple. It was shocking how bad it was! Once that was cleared the pedal felt far better than it had before.
With the pump changed and the brakes bled it was time to code the new pump in and make sure everything was ok. We went for a quick test drive once the coding was done and all seemed good with the brakes, ABS certainly kicks in when you hammer the pedal to the floor (also scares posties on push bikes too

) so back we came for the cluster fitting.
The cluster was a nice and simple unplug the old one and plug in the new one via the loom Ed made and code it up. Ed had done a lot of the prep work on the cluster before getting to my place as we'd been talking about doing the swap for a few weeks and he already knew my car pretty well. Anyway, here's the pics from the day and the new cluster just looks amazing. I'd like thank Ed once again for all his help on all of this

New Mk6 cluster with blue needles!

New ABS pump in

Testing the new cluster

And it's in

Looks amazing...

...looks even better when it's darker!!

See what I mean!

Depo projectors all setup and ready to go in from last post

Depo projectors in, working and looking niice