cheers :-)
Lovely wheels! 
Thanks pal!
pic heavy

main thing that went on was the following
- harness bar fitted
- new air con condensor (still from the deer)
- 5w40 nanodrive service
- project mu h16 pads and new mtec j hook tts discs
- coolant hose repair (blew out again that's the second time ffs darkside).
arrived lovely and on time and the correct date which is always a good start
was greeted by Chris, alex's new help. have to be honest i was a bit worried when alex told me he got a new guy because i completely trust alex and always have faith in him and when you get a new employee i'm just very cynical but i needent have been
chris is a great guy and a right laugh.
anyway we started by stripping the interior out.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Also as there was alot of stuff during the day that I couldn't really help with (welding/fabbing etc) I brought along loads of paint and my new 310 calipers. need to get discs and pads but i'll do that at a later date as i am really broke now!!!

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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Started with the filler primer after giving them a key up. probably was a mistake as it sunk later i should have topped it with a normal primer but hey ho i can touch it up when we go to fit them.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
New project Mu pads...
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
New Mtec j hook TTS discs with their black coating.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
You may ask why I didn't go for the vagbremtechnic discs, simply they are far too bloody expensive. and i have spoken openly with alex about this too.
everyone knows they are pagid discs which are then machined with the j hook entry.
I haven't checked prices of the pagid discs but I imagine them to be about £100. So for the extra £120 that it costs you are paying for them to put some grooves or hooks in them.
there is no offer of an anti-corrosion coating (black/silver/gold like every other place).
for me appearance is second to function but there's nothing worse than spending a chunk of money on nice wheels and nice brakes but i'm all about a balance and the mtec discs were like £175 posted with the black coating?
i simply cannot justify another £50 or so on discs.
we'll see how these go but i've had mtec before and they were fine.
giving the car a check over i inspected a previous repair from where i had a leaky coolant hose because it was rubbing/catching on the map sensor plug as the darkside pipework has the map sensor housing at a weird angle combined with the larger pipework means it can catch.
luckily i hadn't lost any coolant as the hole was just above the clip but was still a lucky escape.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Alex getting started on my harness bar!
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Stacking dimes yo.
Always like Alex's welding, he's very talented at many things.. ;)
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
By this time we had stopped for lunch!
Alex bought me a creme egg
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Back to my 310mm rears, i had by now applied the paint and some high temp clearcoat.
Very shiney, considering how sh*t the paint underneath is i'm quite happy with the result.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Harness bar finished, I got to painting it as I didn't want bare metal in the boot, trying to make it look presentable.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Outside after a few coats of zinc primer as we were using t45 just incase of any corrosion
should have then put some filler primer then normal primer instead but was in a bit of a rush
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
More being stripped out.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Replacing my duff air con condensor.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Finished off the bar, looks presentable enough.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Alex's pretty little face.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Aligning things up to make it as level as possible...
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Yet more holes being drilled into my car :(
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
I gave the holes a dusting of paint just to seal up any future rust.
Alex got to grinding back the paint inside so he could weld in some FIA approved mounts for the harnesses.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Large 1024 × 576
MIG welded (looks better than some tig!)
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Some from the other side.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Given a dusting of paint and the eyelet threaded in!
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Sliced the carpets as little as possible and layed the carpet down again so it looks almost oem unless you have a keen eye!
Harness bar bolted in place, harnesses in!
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
El finito!
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
Edit: few other little things!
In addition thanks to a mate Tom I got an R bumper.
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
A little thing, got some OZ valve caps!
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Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr
and I'm starting to get bits to fab up my own intake solution. I have a heatshield from Forge and some 80mm hose. Need to get a suitable filter (I'm still researching which one) and will go from there.
20160229_190052 by
Fat Bear Photography, on Flickr