Hi everyone!
I will start and apologize for my bad english (from Sweden).
Then I have a problem i hope some of you can help me with?!
I have the RNS510 version C, FW: 3820 at the moment and MDI 5N0035341D/5N0035342C from a MK6 TDI and two original MDI cables, one VW 5N0 035 554 G with white collar and one Audi with green collar H. I also have the MDI-USB cable and the MDI-AUX 3,5mm cable aswell.
I have update the fw on the MDI with the USB cable.
When i play music from my Iphone 5S (spotify) the music can stop sometimes and AUX shows on the RNS for 2-4 seconds before start playing music again...?! WTF?! This happens now and then and is very disturbing!

This never happens with the AUX cable or the USB cable from the MDI but then I canĀ“t change song from the RNS...
My car is an ED30 2007 if that matters.