All Things Mk5 > Performance Modifications
Blacksmoke Remap for MK5 Golf TDi BKD 140
Ive had a fair few niggles with this car as late ( i put up a thread the other day ) but ive now sorted most of them ive got ZERO fault codes on vagcom and the only 2 problems I have are slight turbo whine and i hate the gutless map on it. Its as flat as a witches tit under 2000k, there is literally no pull till you hit above 2000, the turbo is fine, no boost leaks, no fault codes, its just the way its mapped i think, its standard so never been remapped.
Anyway i was going to take it a local tuner but was told not to as all they do is wind the boost and fuelling up and youl find yourself needing a clutch, flywheel and turbo within weeks.
Id seen these blacksmoke remaps when i was looking at getting my MK4 done but headgasket went on that before I had chance to.
I understand you buy a cable of some sort off eBay and then send your map to blacksmoke and theyl send you a map file back to load onto the ECU ? Is this safe to do with minimal chances of it going tits up? Im not sure if the blacksmoke guy is on here, i was on UKMKIVS before but it seems dead on there when it comes to MK5 related stuff
Im not fussed about BHP and torque, i just want it to pull through the rev range better, i want the power to come in around 1500 revs not 2250 and then massive oooof in torque/power.
Hello no Bob isn't on here :sad1:As for sending a file to us load isn't a good idea as it can't be lived map.Get in touch with Dark side developments who only tune diesels
I've just had my centre silencer deleted on my edition 30. Was surprised at the difference it makes.
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