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Author Topic: Part number help pleeeeeeease  (Read 748 times)

Offline MateyGuv

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Part number help pleeeeeeease
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:25:00 pm »
Firstly apologises if I'v posted in the wrong section

I have been lucky enough to get a set of R32 Recaro Wingbacks but they are the non heated cloth versions.  I plan to get the seats retrimmed to match my Edition 30 interior and want to have heated seats as my car has them now and I love them in the winter.  I have contacted TPS and can get the heater elements (they tell me that its just the back and base needed as the recaro seats don't have the leg bolster heated) but from looking at there seems to be a loom that connects the two heater elements (one on the back and one of the base of the seat) to the car itself. I have looked at my standard seats and can see this loom too, although my standard seats have airbag and occupancy sensors.  TPS are saying that the heater elements have cables from them - one with a 2 pin plug and one with a 4 pin plug but they cannot see which loom to get that will connect the elements to the car itself.  I do have a registration number of an R32 with the wingbacks and heated seats to give them but they are struggling to find the loom.  On the loom is in an obscure section that I found but as it does not have the ability to put a registration in to narrow down the options its a bit of a nightmare figuring out which loom I need.

Can anyone help me please?  I don't want to put the registration number of the R32 with the wingbacks and heated seats on the main forum but can PM anyone that would be willing to help the part number.

Any help would be great  :happy2: