Well guys,
after a loooong day finally got nearly all of the work done:D
firstly was the bloody bonnet which took all of 5 mins for alex to do,once the cover was off,a long grabber pulled the cable and it popped up:rofl:,i looked to see that the ball bearing end had popped out of the black plastic holder so a couple of cable ties are now holding it just in case ;)
next job was the cambelt and waterpump change that went perfectly so on to the removal of the inlet manifold,now off i took a couple of pics to see what its like after 39,000 miles
quite suprised how dirty they were tbh,ive got the apr rfd kit on but bought the old kit down to show alex them first
after this id let alex do his stuff and came back to see the results(the pics dont show how clean they come up)
really pleased with it:D
next job to fit the TTRS lpfp with the aks blank for fwd cars
all done then onto the S3 Hel rear lines
helped too bleed the brakes then alex took the car for a test drive and final check up and all is well,also a nice compliment from Alex on how good the car is all round,performance pulls really hard as if two turbos come kicking in lol and the brakes are superb so im well pleased:p
my drive home was awesome the outcome was a very sharp/responsive throttle,even at motorway speeds a big toe on the throttle and it picks up soo quick,job done!