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Author Topic: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?  (Read 5311 times)

Offline Gman30

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Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:26:39 pm »
Hi all,

Just wondering what people are using and pro's and cons of both? I am nearly out of my pot of Zymol and and am wondering what to replace it with? I'm looking at getting a decent wax such as AF Illusion or maybe go down the coating route such as Carbon collective's Oracle or Gtechniq's offerings.

Opinions and or alternatives appreciated!


Offline xjay1337

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 02:36:52 pm »

Waxes and sealants are easier to apply and generally cheaper.
Coatings require intensive surface preperation and a unit / garage / dry and dust free space to cure.
We use Cquartz and it's very good. Is on my own Golf.
Do believe Carbon collective is just rebranded stuff brought over from Korea. Quite like Gtechniq except Gtechniq don't hide this fact behind fancy brand marketing.

Would either use a normal wax or sealant or Cquartz or Gtechniq personally.

Offline Gman30

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2014, 03:07:00 pm »

Waxes and sealants are easier to apply and generally cheaper.
Coatings require intensive surface preperation and a unit / garage / dry and dust free space to cure.
We use Cquartz and it's very good. Is on my own Golf.
Do believe Carbon collective is just rebranded stuff brought over from Korea. Quite like Gtechniq except Gtechniq don't hide this fact behind fancy brand marketing.

Would either use a normal wax or sealant or Cquartz or Gtechniq personally.

What are you're thoughts in terms of the final finish you achieve from a wax or coating though? I.E do you sacrifice warmth and richness with coatings but get the durability? Longer to apply but longer lasting results? I like the idea of the coatings (once a year application, slickness etc etc) but I would imagine you don't get that nice wet,glossy and warm finish as you do from a good old wax!?


Offline xjay1337

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 03:19:57 pm »
Honestly I've only noticed very minor differences depending on colour.
It is not a huge difference and can vary so much in different lights that it's not worth worrying about
They say that waxes tend to glow and sealants tend to be more sharp and defined... so they say on a light coloured car to use a sealant and a dark coloured car to use a wax.

This is spouted by "enthusiast" grade "detailers" who peruse detailing world (which is fine we all start somewhere)  :happy2:
Just that they tend to buy into marketing bull where as those of us who do it more of a serious hobby or profession tend to know otherwise  :happy2:

The most expensive wax I've used is Crystal Rock from Swisswax..something a lot of clients would like on their car.
I am not just saying this but it does add a very small amount of gloss to the finish but not so much that you would be able to stand back and go "that car has crystal rock on it".

The glossiest I've ever seen vehicles are after ceramic coats such as Cquartz (other coatings are available).
these are glass coatings so in effect add surface depth (very minute but they do) as once they have cured they go from a liquid to a solid...

So then you get a true "glass like" coating but this is all depending on the condition of the paint. You could put the worlds "best" wax or sealant on a car which is covered in swirls and it would still look sh*te.
The finish comes from the skill of the paintwork correction... if you spend the time and effort on this it won't really matter what wax or sealant you use, I would avoid certain ones which can "dull" the finish but any of the well used ones, enthusiast LSPs such as Collinite 476s, FK1000p, etc you won't notice at all.

I always say you polish and correct for the shine and whatever you put on, on top of this, is PURELY for protection.

Offline xjay1337

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 03:24:14 pm »
Here's my car after the Cquartz went on..... Still looks like this...

Offline Gman30

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2014, 03:52:13 pm »
Cheers for you're input Jay,

Car looks Great btw! So why did you choose a coating over a wax on your own car? I would have expected you to be more of a wax fan?


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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2014, 03:59:38 pm »
I wash my car regularly so general maintainence isn't an issue.
The main things for me were the added surface hardness given by Cquartz and the durability.
I no longer need to wax my car every few months...I've had Cquartz on since middle of May, washed my car on average twice a week and it's still beading as good as the day I put it on... no other wax on the market would even come close.
Due to the frequency of my washes I am more likely to mark the paint (just what happens no matter what you try) so the added surface hardness is good too.

Plus as we sell it to customers I thought how can I recommend a product to people that i don't personally use myself :)

Offline BlueSmokeyJoe

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2014, 01:36:20 pm »
As mentioned, a wax/sealant/coating will only ever show what is underneath. Best bet is to get the paint properly corrected to remove swirls/scratches/marring etc and then to refine further to achieve the greatest amount of gloss.

Careful washing will then see the paint stay in great shape for a very long time indeed. I'd go as far to say, stick with a wax if you enjoy applying it as part of the 'cleaning process', and go with a sealant/coating for longer lasting protection.

Also to consider is protection for winter, as most vehicles will not be getting cleaning as often. Sonax protect and shine would be a great choice, as it provides a durable, ultra hydrophobic coat that will easily do 6 months. I also found due to the hydrophobicness of the coating, dirt didn't stick to it as well, which made washing so much easier/quicker, with reduced risk of scratching.

Offline Scottymon

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2014, 05:08:24 pm »
I wanna try this CQuartz now, I've only been using 476 which I like, but to be able to lock the hard work in even more sounds appealing... is this best deal?:

Offline George10

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2014, 04:30:38 pm »
If you aren't too keen on detailing your car and maintaining it throughout the year use carbon collecting oracle, it last two years and protects your paint from grime etc.

Offline xjay1337

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Re: Wax or Paint Coating/sealant?
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2014, 11:48:37 pm »
I wanna try this CQuartz now, I've only been using 476 which I like, but to be able to lock the hard work in even more sounds appealing... is this best deal?:

Pretty good.