Jumping for joy about my new motor. I've come from owning a Porsche 986 Boxster S, to having a 4-week old baby boy and a 5-door DSG Tornado Red 05 Golf GTI and I couldn't be happier (and with the added bonus that I'm not wearing my midlife crisis on my car's sleeve anymore!).
Picked this beauty up yesterday for just shy of £5k, so a bargain, 88k on the clock genuine commuter miles, 4 almost new P Zeros on it (although they're quite noisy and I may change to Eagle F1s). Needs a lot of stuff such as alloy refurb / new, plus optional extras, audio etc. to get it to spec I want, then I'm going to start modding engine, exhaust etc. once they're done. I'm sure some of you will think that's wrong way round!!
In my first flush of ownership I have already started to order lots of parts so I will be posting a few posts to try and get advice on installs of various things! Here's my list so far (as I was typing that I wrote "my lust so far"!! - Freudian slip)

Flappy Paddle steering wheel - didn't come with it

got an eye on MFSW 1 on Fleabay. I think I need a new control module to go with the wheel, and prob need to change midline speedo for a highline clock - do I need to change CECM too? Not sure yet, prob slip ring will be same but dunno... so many questions...
New alloys (perhaps 17" as I've heard they ride better) - might put some 18" mk7 ones on, or just get 18 monzas refurbed...
Thinking about reverse parking sensors for the missus but don't want to change the look of that lovely rear end

may think about reverse camera when I install this:
Pioneer AVH-X3600 DAB. I reckon peeps will tell me go OEM, but I have RCD300 in there at the moment and the reception from the stock rear window glass-mounted FM aerial is pants (love the no aerial on the roof thing though...), plus if I have DAB I won't be interested in FM stations. With this system I get DAB, which is a must for my missus, plus bluetooth without one of those ugly great VW units sitting on the dash. I've bought a CAN gateway upgrade already - 7N0907530AN - which I think I need. Other purchases for this probably include a window mounted aerial (I've used one of these in my Porsche and it worked fine for me, plus I'll mount it on the missus' side so it won't bother me!!) , iphone USB extension to glovebox, MFSW loom, cage fitting kit. Don't think I'll bother with Fakra extension as I understand that's just for FM...? May be wrong here. All this ties in with Highline, MFSW wheel, control module CECM etc., so will need advice on this at some point!
VAG-VCDS system - think I will need it with all these changes, and future mods to consider - is it worth getting a £40 system from Fleabay to do these upgrades?
Probably tackle folding door mirrors sometime in the future as the mirrors and surrounds are slighty chipped anyway. Realise that folding mirrors = lots of the folding stuff, but what can I say, I like the action and that whirrrrrr.....

Need to complete the toolkit which is missing a couple of things
Couple of chips etc., sort them out
Wrap the bits of crappy plastic surround that are chipped, i.e., trim round the gear selector... probably plastidip but maybe carbon fibre
Fit cupholders in rear (at the moment the flap just falls off when you pull it and there's no cupholders!
Had thought about looking out for Xenon headlights, ballasts, self-levelling kit etc. but this is last on my list and probably get round to it after...
new discs (brembo?), Boost Valve & PCV replacement, Induction kit (ITG?), Milltek exhaust upgrade, intercooler, uprated diff, perhaps coilover springs although this car is a family car too so needs to be smooth to keep missus and baby happy...
Jesus, I'm gonna be busy (and skint by the looks of it...)
This is probably far too much info for a hello post, but I told you, I'm excited. I'll get on to posting in the various appropriate forums in the near future...