General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Sale section protocol / etiquette.

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Someone posts an item for sale, and it's reasonably popular, lots of interest. Which of these options is the preferred format of sales protocol?

1. First person to say "Me please at the asking price!" means the seller is obliged to sell to him at the asking price. If someone offers less than the asking price and then is trumped by a "Me please at the asking price!" then the seller is allowed to ignore the low offer and must sell to the second buyer who wants the item. If someone is asking questions/considering options and hasn't actually committed to buying by saying "Me please at the asking price!" then anyone else can buy it using the same method.

2. The seller is in complete charge of the sale and may sell to whoever they wish. "First dibs!", "Me please at the asking price", or "Would you consider a swap for a pack of jelly babies!" means nothing if the seller decides they wish to sell to someone else. Personal messages are allowed to discuss the various sales terms etc. Think of it more as an advert in a shop window which is just inviting people to contact the seller.

Personally, my view is that the seller is the one with the item for sale, and may choose what he wishes to do with it. My reasoning is as follows. Wild example.

I post a set of xenon headlights for sale at £500, collection preferred but can post if necessary. Four people reply.

First person says "I'll take these please. I'll paypal you next week when I get paid. I'll collect them when I've got a spare day off."

Second person says "Will you take £450 and I'd like them posted please."

Third person says "I'll take them at £500 and will need them posting."

Fourth person says "Hi mate. Can I take these at the asking price and Ill collect this evening when I call for the indicators I bought in the other thread."

Why in Christs name would the seller need to think anything other than "I'll sell them to my mate who lives round the corner and is coming for something else anyway."

Some forums follow the "First come first served" method, and it can end up with the seller having to communicate with someone who has let them down previously by not turning up, or some other poor experience.

Some forums follow the "Seller decided" method and members who shout "Me please" get annoyed at being trumped.

Which is the one on this forum, as I just saw a sales thread which prompted this post.  :drinking:

Its down to the seller to act in an honourable manner. Its virtually impossible for us to set "trading rules" and enforce them

I would say it's down to the seller, but in my opinion it should be in first come first served at a mutually accepted price. Remember, you snooze you lose, so get in there quick!


first to come with the money gets the item

been messed about many times over the years people saying I will take it and not hearing from them again

it has to be down to the seller

^^^  :happy2: total agree  :drinking:


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