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Author Topic: looking to swap in RNS510 - lots of questions  (Read 1012 times)

Offline Stevie Steve

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looking to swap in RNS510 - lots of questions
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:35:58 am »
Looking at replacing my RCD300 at some point with a good old RNS510. So Im right a the bottom of the learning curve with this one.
Reading version D, adding RDS, dvd drive and loadsa other bits.

Does it plug and play into a 08 plate ED30. What does/can it give me from standard. What do I need to add to get sat nag or even reversing cameras (I think)

Offline Viking

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Re: looking to swap in RNS510 - lots of questions
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 06:58:08 am »
RCD300 comes out, RNS510 goes in, aerial adapter and GPS antenna required. Bit of coding with VCDS, and you're done. Whereabouts are you?
Sarcasm for free. Anything after that can only be considered as a bonus.

Just because you think you know something, doesn't make you an expert if you've just read it on the internet, y'know.