Oh you're serious, ok, as people have said 12 point licence. Points last for 3/4 years on licence, 5+ for Insurance purposes.
Keep within 10% of the speed limit and you are pretty much going to be ok for lifeBut, if you actually want to use your hot hatch (get to the track or), remember this table which could land you in court otherwise:
Speed limit - Ticket ----- Chance of Summons to court
20mph 25mph 35mph
30mph 35mph 50mph
40mph 46mph 66mph
50mph 57mph 76mph
60mph 68mph 86mph
70 mph 79mph 96mph
Additionally, with all that said, more and more Police now favour the Section 59, which means they need absolutely
no evidence, to mark your car for 12 months and impound it on the second occasion (££££ release fee) if they are either:
1. In a bad mood
2. You don't pass the "kiss my ass" test
3. It's raining
4. Your windscreen is cracked (but it passed MOT... but they don't care)
5. Your numberplate is too high (but it passed MOT... but they don't care)
6. You "looked" like you were driving too fast.
7. Your exhuast is too loud (but it passed MOT... you get the point, lol)
8. Some reason that they make up on the spot.
I'm quite surprised the S59 exists tbh, as there's no legal course, as a result you cannot defend yourself.