I've recently swapped the RCD300 to an RCD510 DAB along with the MDI dock.
Since being able to use the MDI i have noticed that when playing music from my iPhone through the MDI dock the music seems to sound like its vibrating a canny bit and a bit muffled is the only way i can describe it.. Is this normal or could it be down to something faulty? If I'm playing music from a CD it seems fine.
I should say that the drivers side speaker just above the window switches doesn't work so i have planned to replace that too while I'm on with setting the DAB up when the bits come so I'm wondering if the faulty speaker is to blame but then why would it be fine when playing from a CD?..
Could it be a firmware problem with the MDI or Headunit as i've read somewhere that some people have updated their MDI firmware to solve an issue with the tracks skipping and the lagging of album names etc..
Also can anyone recommend me some speakers to replace the OEM ones (the ones above the window switches) with or would it be best and more financially best to stick with some used OEM speakers?