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Smear smear

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--- Quote from: v2brett on December 12, 2008, 09:21:39 pm ---i can highly recommend using cerium oxide to clean the windscreen, it removes all residue its like having new wipers and a brand new windscreen  :driver:

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Where can I source some of this magical stuff?

from good ol` ebay lol  just search for cerium oxide.
its great stuff just mix a small amount, polish the screen then clean off .   takes all residue off and gets the glass like new. 

i used it as i got some new wipers and they were acting rubbish ( squeaking, juddering)   did the screen with this and all was sorted  :jumpmove:   was about to send the wipers back!

yep, thats your best bet for cleaning the window! dont let it settle on an y rubber bits for long periods tho!


--- Quote from: neg on December 12, 2008, 04:00:20 pm ---RainX on the front screen is not recommended - great on the others though

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Where did you hear that  :confused:  ?

I've used it for years and find it best on the windsreen ... no bugs get "stuck" on in the Summer and in the Winter I don't even need to use my wipers once over 50mph  :grin:

Which of these ones should I get?

no 1
no 2
no 3

Or is there a recommended seller?


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