General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Site behaviour on Android device

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I have an issue where at times the forum appears offline, and it's a while before I can access it again (even though using a laptop/PC at the same time shows the forum is up). I use the stock Android 4.4 browser on my tablet.

Latest android build of chrome working fine here. Though posting this via taptalk so that's not counted :D

Let see
my galaxy is working fine


--- Quote from: flashp on October 15, 2014, 07:58:46 am ---I've tried viewing this site via my phone (as I've always been able to do in the past) and I find now that if try to reply to thread it takes me back to the 'Forum' front page. Maybe a compatibility issue??

Just for info  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

I get exactly this too. Also if I click on a name.

If I long press and open in new tab it's fine.

Using chrome on Sony Xperia Z2 running 4.4.1 (I think).

Tapatalk seems fine but I don't like it.


think i've fixed it can someone check?


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